FR Quest:First Bite  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Drake Sullenfangs in Blackspore Swamp.
Drake Sullenfangs says,"I'm sure there have been other vegetarian vampires before me. I mean, what if a little rabbit were to turn into a vampire?!

I'd like to try a few things before I turn to blood. *shudder*

Bring me some local flavors to try, like Pink Azaleas and Bogwart. "

Drake is a newly turned vegetarian vampire who's barely even had his first meal yet. Bring him some various plants to try feeding on. He'll need his strength for the dance-off.
This is an Errand quest.

  • Find Bogwart - 0/5
  • Find Pink Azalea - 0/5
  • Return to Drake
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Closing Comments

Drake Sullenfangs says, "*munch*munch* The bogwart smells terrible, but it's quite tasty! The pink azaleas are giving me a headache though..."


  • The Bogworts are in the swampy areas between the cemetery and the warpstone.
  • The Pink Azaleas are in the northern section of Blackspore, near the tunnel entrance.

Being Prepared Super Spooktacular
Quest Series
Pre-Emptive Bite
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities introduced in 2010, and available in-game during the Super Spooktacular celebration. For 2013, Spooktacular begins on October 1st.

This page last modified 2011-10-22 17:52:26.