ZM8 - Return to Delkfutt's Tower  

Start Area: Chamber of Oracles
Related Areas:Stellar Fulcrum
Related Mobs:Kam'lanaut
Min Level:65
Max Level:75
(Average from 11 ratings)
This Quest requires Zilart
This Mission is Not Skippable
Previous Mission: ZM7 - The Chamber of Oracles
Next Mission: ZM9 - Ro'Maeve
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 06:00:36 2009

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Hurry to Delkfutt's Tower and stop the Zilartian princes from completing their plan to open the Gate of the Gods.


Head to Lower Delkfutt's Tower. If you have the Delkfutt Key, make a left at the first fork and go to E-8. Then go to H-8 and search for ???. Click it and you'll be transported to Upper Delkfutt's Tower. At Upper Delkfutt's Tower, go to F-8 through the door, and go up the stairs to the 11th floor. Remember to sneak/invisible as you can get aggro from bats and giants. Watch out for dolls and pots that aggro to magic.

On the 11th floor, go to J-6, then on the 12th floor go to F-10. Zone through the portal to Stellar Fulcrum. You will enter into a BCNM battle with Kam'lanaut.

Battle Notes

To read the transcripts for this quest, see the Return to Delkfutt's Tower Spoilers page.

Mission Series

This mission is part of the Rise of the Zilart mission series. The complete mission series includes:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-01-19 21:16:12.
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# May 20 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Just did this with:

66RDM/WHM (me)

NIN ate it within the first 10 seconds. I raised him , he died again and then just stayed dead. So... we pretty much beat it with 5 (very capable) players. Other than that, we didn't really use much of a tactic. Make sure you Dispel constantly, it's hard to catch when he does his enspells when there's 20,000 different things going on... and they do like 70 additional points of damage each time so you REALLY need to keep them off. We waited until someone was near death (which happened to be the RNG) and had the WHM Benediction and the PLD Invinvible. Paralyze, Slow, Gravity all stick to him. I had a hard time with Blind >.<
# May 14 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
358 posts
68 WAR/THF (me)

Pretty easy fight, kinda long. We had this idea of taking opo necklaces and a stack of sleep potions in and starting with a quick 300% skillchain and spirits within, worked nicely, took a decent chunk of HP off him.

Spams the different en-spell abilities, and they also let him heal HP whenever the corresponding elemental spell is cast upon him (enwater = +350HP off Water 3). To kill any rumors, RDM or BRD can dispel these.

Also spammed Dispelga for a while and threw in the occasional Silencega. Mages need Echo Drops, no question. We found that taking the melee to one side of the room, and mages to the other side worked well to stop these. Do this at the beginning so that when he starts throwing Silencega you don't have to deal with it right off.

Our fight lasted 16 minutes and some change, but 6 of those were sleeping pots for TP. GL folks.
# May 12 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
we had
it was a hard fight first 2 times but i ended up running outta battle field when everyone died so got to raise em we failed 2 times...we all rdy had to sue our 2hr's in first 1...but during second match rdm hit it with gravity and it went after blm and blm lasted along time kiteing it....so on our 3rd time we went in and started out kiteing it....it went nice as hell i mean everyone full hp and mp basically and its half dead blm dc'ed at first half of fight and i didnt have to cure really then when blm came back we started to owne em even more...then (light blade does less dmg father away u r) we found that out when kiteing em and it misses alot also if u r far away.....well then gravity went off and rng droped dead cause he pulled hate then soon after pld droped dead...drk kited it for awhile and it was lamost dead all of us were almost dead then blm had enugh mp for water III and it took it down to where it had no hp on bar but still chaseing us..he just had enugh mp to use drain and by that time the boss used enlight and cause drain is dark based it did nice dmg on the boss and we ended up killing it 3rd time's the charm :D
# May 05 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
229 posts
he was lucky...

pt was


drg died at around 50%.
he was dwon to 10% when he killed our pld...
then he was around 5% after the thf and rdm fall
i summoned fenrir to astral flow him, the blm was casting flare, but this sucker just silenced us in time short befor fenrir was summoned and we lost...
the figth is much easier then the the most ppl say... especialy with ppl who can cure hate free (Healing ruby II, wyvern healing).

just all stay next to him and let you hit from his AoE for 200-400 dmg, thats much better then dont get ahte resetet as a mage and eat his light blade..
light blade is random dmg to, he took out out thf imidiatly, the time i got it it was 200 dmg.

# May 01 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Beat this last night with what had to be one of the oddest setups ever.


Technically, that was our third run, but the lineups were the same for the first and second except the first had a 70 THF/NIN in place of the 67 PLD, and the 67 PLD replaced the 75 for the second run.

As you can see, we weren't exactly stacked up on damage for the last run. ^^; Also, since we were only planning on doing two runs, we were a little low on meds. Everyone basically handed over all the hi-potions they could spare to the 75 PLD so he could heal himself for as long as possible since we knew we were in for a long fight. WHMs had one Yag drink each and two-three hi-ethers. The PLDs, the WAR, and the WHMs all still had a few echo drops left over, thank goodness.

The fight was going nice and smooth, surprisingly, until we got him down to under a quarter health. Then the mages started running out of MP. The 75 PLD started kiting him around the room to try and minimize the damage he took while the mages attempted to rest and recover. That left we three melee chasing Kam'lanaut around the room and trying to get in as many hits as possible when the PLD would stop to pop a hi-potion, or cast a spell/use an ability to keep hate. A minute or so later, we emerged triumphant without a single death. ^^ The PLD was amazing about keeping hate. He only lost it once for a brief period (not including all of the times Kammy used that annoying hate resetting move) after the WAR did two WSes back-to-back with an Icarus Wing, and then followed it up not too long afterward with yet another Rampage because of his quick TP gain.

A good healer and a good tank can make or break this battle. Outside of that, have fun playing around with combinations, if you want. ^^ Cookie-cutter parties may make the battle go quickly, but it's the strange combinations that make these things fun!

Edit: to clarify

Edited, Sun May 1 19:18:15 2005
Fun fight, but boring.
# Apr 28 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Hehe. Well, the fight was fun, but boring. Took it out with a party of 63 - ...68 I think? I forget. Set-up was, NIN/WHM/BRD/RDM/RNG/MNK. First time we went in and got completely taken out. Hit us with Slowga constantly, Ninja couldn't keep shadows up, NM spammed Light blade.. Needless to say, we all died. Went in for a second try. This time, had bard use Light Carol and I kept up Erase and Haste on the ninja.. Fight went smooth, and Kam'lanaut died without a hitch. Nin lost about.. 900 HP per Light blade. Cured to full after each one, and the fight was easy. Just keep the tank completely cured, and keep slow off them.. Light carol helps *ALOT*. Pretty easy fight if you're prepared, but can be a nightmare if you're not. Learned that one the hard way. ^^

Note: We brought Hi-ethers and stuff.. Used them all up the first time and lost, didn't have any for the second fight and still won. But you will need the echo drops for sure. He spams Silencega.
# Apr 04 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
66 WHM, 66 BLM, 67 PLD, 67 WAR, 68 RDM, 69 THF

RDM, WAR, BLM died. WHM died reraised and used Benediction which gave the PLD and
THF just enough time to finish him off.

Yes you can get a lv75 tank to do this or wait till your party is all 70+ but this was the coolest and closest battle I have played yet and I'm actually glad we didn't grab any higher level help before we came.

Also, Pallas pops in the room right before you go up the stairs to the 11th floor. Even if he's not up it's probably worth clearing Gigas once to see if he pops. We killed him easily and got the drop, which went to our Warrior. The Gigas in the room conned DC-T to me at 68 and Pallas himself is only around lv72-73.

Edited, Mon Apr 4 11:10:26 2005
# Apr 03 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Here is how you beat him. Need these 2 jobs. (i know theres lots of ways to win, this is the best) get a PLD and RDM. PLD to tank and survive the light blade. RDM for DISPEL, the most im portant spell in this fight. when you enter buff up. send pld in. RDM these spells will stick. Paralize, slow, blind, gravity. cast in that order. You should have reshed the pld at the buff stage. any time you see additional effect ## dmage. cast dispel. now this relates to almost spaming it. he recast all the time. and he uses all the EN----- spells, so make sure you dont have any major weakness on pld, like from a ring that does -75 fire restance. other than thatnormaly your main dmg dealer will die mnk or rng. heres why he has ability to reset hate, if pld cant get it back quick enough then death. iven done this fight twice and talked to alot of people who have completed it. only items needed are echo drops, for aoe silence and good pld gear. we had a 66 pld tank with earth staff and jelly ring. also had a 75 pld die when we didnt dispel, that is the impotance of dispel. other than that try to not have the whm do curaga, again just in case it does hate reset before he finishes casting.
# Mar 29 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
235 posts
Anyone try using light carol to reduce the dmg from lightblade? With mambo and carol, a high eva nin could probably tank this even without shadows.
Well, that was fun
# Mar 26 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
563 posts
So last night me and some friends decided to finally get my sky. Now out of everything, THIS was the match that I was so worried about.. And, amazingly enough, it ended up being the easiest.

70WHM/BLM (Me)

Needless to say our MNK ended up tanking the whole fight, except for the last second when one of the BLMs casted a -ga III and ate a Lightblade and survived with 75HP.

Outside casted buffs.. Protectra IV, Shellra IV, Stoneskin, Blink, Reraise II. I had brought yagudo drinks considering we had no RDM, thinking this fight would last longer.

Went in, NIN provokes and MNK instantly hits his Hundred Fists and throws off Asuran Fist and what not, already down to half HP. Light Blade like twice, not even getting him into red. A SC thrown off, then a -ga III spell and he's gone. Just like that. The whole time we're all laughing at how much we pwned this.

In all our glory it took us about 3 minutes and 28 seconds, we beat the record by a minute and 30 seconds.

Man, now I want to do it again. I didn't want it to be THAT easy, but I suppose with a set up like that, how can you expect it not to be? >_<
A word of advice
# Mar 14 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
298 posts
Fight this guy on darksday. I beat him with a very low crew and I think this made all the difference.

Our setup was: 63 pld, 62 rng, 65 rng, 65 rdm, 69 whm and 72 mnk (me).

My biggest concern was the effect light blade would have on the paladin. But we did a ton of prep work for this fight, and I think it paid off.

First, the paladin did some test runs, to see if he could take a light blade attack. He could.

Next, we all loaded up on meds. Vile elixers for the whm, echo drops, ethers for all casters, au laits for HP regeneration and I took a ton of hi-potions and an icarus wing in case of an emergency.

After getting to the top of the tower, we buffed up and went in. We were about to engage when our astute paladin yelled, "Lightsday!"

The day had just changed. We aborted the fight.

It was decided that we wait 45 minutes for the next game day. This probably saved our lives and led to victory. The next day was darksday.

Our strategy for fighting him was pretty simple. The pld tried to hold hate as best he could, I meleed, the rangers shot at him from range and the mages kept us alive.

His light blade was hitting me for about 900-1000 HP. After taking a shot, I slammed hi-potions until the cures came. But mostly, our paladin did a great job keeping hate.

Everything went smoothly until about the mob was at half HP. Then our rangers did a Sidewinder > Slug Shot SC. He turned to the 62 ranger, hit him twice, then used light blade. Dead ranger.

This proved to be our only death, though. The paladin got hate back, I used hundred fists and we wore him down. When the paladin ran out of MP, he used ethers and the mage used vile elixir to get his MP back.

It took a bit of preparation, but the fight itself wasn't that bad. The key is prepare for light blade, get the victim healed quickly and just wear him down.

And again, if you can fight him on darksday (he's light based), do it.
Peep this
# Mar 12 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
Alright, how's this for a lineup:

60 rng/nin (me)
60 rdm/whm (main healer)
71 blm/whm
71 sam/thf
74 pld/war
75 brd/whm

The pld and brd were there to help, while the rest of us needed the mission. Was a very fun fight; he spammed the -ga spells, elemental buffs, and used Light Blade and Gravity Wheel a few times. I never locked on so that I could run out of range of AoE's (although this only worked about half the time) and shoot arrows from a distance, and my hp went red twice. Used sidewinder, then EES when he was near death, then the blm landed a Flare right when I was about to bust out a Barrage for the kill ; ; Anyways, two deaths (the rdm and sam), but those that died were far more happy for getting the mission done than being mad for dying. I must say, there's nothing like having a wicked little taru pld in Koenig/adaman gear tank the thing, heheh...point of the story, as long as you have at least a few 70+ (the tank being so is a necessity) and everyone plays intelligently, you can still kill this guy at 60 ^^
# Mar 12 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
232 posts
OMG... this was the easiest fight i think i've ever done. PT set up was:
70 nin/war
70 war/nin
70 drg/war
75 whm/blm
70 rdm/blm
73 rdm/whm
No one ever got into yellow health. I think he hit me 2 times just with AoE and didn't hit our NIN tank once... After we pawned this guy, our mages were down to maybe 500-600 MP left. ^^
Just needed to say a HUGE THANK YOU! to Telimek and Weltdog (Nin and Whm) for helping us with this fight. you guys are uber!

Edited, Sat Mar 12 12:33:47 2005
# Mar 12 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
OMG... this was the easiest fight i think i've ever done. PT set up was:
70 nin/war
70 war/nin
70 drg/war
75 whm/blm
70 rdm/blm
73 rdm/whm
No one ever got into yellow health. I think he hit me 2 times just with AoE and didn't hit our NIN tank once... After we pawned this guy, our mages were down to maybe 500-600 MP left. ^^
# Mar 11 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
72 posts
You also gain the title: Destroyer of Antiquity

Aside from that, I did this last night with a party setup of:
65RNG/NIN (me)

We had the pld tank him with a terra staff and kite him. Anyone who drew hate was to run around the room until the pld could take it back. Me, the Other Rng, and the thf died anyways.

Highly suggested: IF you have hate, DO NOT stop for any reason, not even to cast Utsusemi. If you stop, he can line you up for Light Blade, in fact, he hit me from clear accross the room with it.

Edited, Fri Mar 11 19:48:51 2005
NIN Tank
# Mar 06 2005 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Just want to let everyone in on the "myth" that NIN cannot tank this. It's BS. I'd been hearing for weeks from my friends on how NIN cant tank ZM8 over and over. Last night I finally got to this point.

Our party setup was:
68 NIN/WAR (Elvaan) (Me)
68 DRK/WAR (Hume)
69 SAM/WAR (Elvaan)
74 WHM/BLM (Hume)
70 BLM/WHM (Elvaan)
70 RDM/WHM (Elvaan)

That was round 2. Round one replaced the DRK and SAM with a 71 SAM and 69 MNK.

I believe NIN is a better tank for this fight IF they are geared right. The key here is evasion. Everyone thinks that the only thing NIN can do is Utsusemi.. but if your evasion is where it should be (Mine is capped at 235+61) then you won't have any problem tanking Kam'Lanaut.

For starters, the big "hate reset" thing everyone is so scared of actually works to the NIN advantage since we swing faster / more often than everyone else. If ever he reset hate the next hit or two was always mine, managed to keep hate with provoke fairly easily. This is really what allowed me to keep hate from a 69 monk and a 71 Samurai who were going buck-wild with their attacks.

With my evasion he missed over 50% of the time. With Blind and Slow he's pretty trivial. The only threat to a well eqiupped NIN here is Light Blade, which may or may not kill you. In the two fights we won both, but in the first one I did get one shotted for 1280 dmg (I have 1210) by his WS. I was hit other times for 500-700 by the same move.

The key here is to have echo drops (at least 7) and to keep utsu up for Light Blade. His -ga spells have a decent casting time on them, so if you start casting Utsu:Ichi when while he is casting .. by the time it lands you will finish and have your shadows back up. With Defender on he only hit me for 80-100, and without 120-150.

Just remember, tons of evasion, echo drops, and keep shadows up for Light Blade, and you won't have much trouble. For shuriken NINs out there bring a THF with a crossbow for defense down bolts and manji shurikens will rip him to pieces.
65 Ninja Tank?
# Mar 02 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
What's the minumum lvl of the tank to do this zm? I'm a lvl 65 Ninja and this guy sounds pretty scary with his blink removing spells. Would a second tank help? Lets say party setup is me, Ninja lvl 65, WHM 65+, RNG 65+, RDM or another WHM 65+, MNK/WAR or PLD 65+, and another DD or another mage if we get a MNK/WAR for back up tanking? If you can desypher the party setup i'm refering to, please give me your oppion wether or not going in over tanked or over Maged will make up for the non 67+ Ninja?

EDIT* Ok so i finished ZM8 last night. We died twice doing it cause we had three members under 66 in our party, including me. Finally on our last attempt, i switched groups with another member from a different party that was doing the mission also. ^^ With a lvl 75Pld tanking in my new group it was a breese. The Pld all but owned the nm boss. Even with his hate resting move the Pld was still doing enough damage to hold hate.

After i won the Pld went back and helped the rest of my group through.

Warning of advice though, this aga spells are a *****. It makes it feel like he's fight every member in the party one on one ><. Every single run we did, including the last in which i sat out, all the mages died even with the lvl 75Pld tank. Bringing mp restoring food items is a must, this guys got a ton of hp.

Also for any Ninja doing this quest, i found using echo drops to cure silenced was a waste of time. The reason is he silences everybody so often that it is a big time consumer to keep appling drops, espeically when mages are running out of mp. Acourse then again i wasn't the tank, really not sure how any Ninja tank could handle this guy. Pretty much never had blink up for more than 5 seconds the entire battle. Disspellaga sux.

Edited, Fri Mar 4 16:03:49 2005
Delkfutt's Key?
# Feb 19 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
where do you get the Delkfutt's Key?
RE: Delkfutt's Key?
# Feb 21 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,622 posts
This is the elevator key you obtained during mission 3-3 by killing one of the NM giants (most people kill the one right next to the top of the elevator).

Like Whoa.
# Feb 15 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Just did this last night. Party setup was

67PLD Luzius
66WHM Psoleus
70BLM Armandan
67RDM Fui, or Fei...umm...dont remember :)
68DRG Nightwing

Knowing full well all of the horror stories about this fight, I figured we would have no shot, even though we all did ZM6 with ridiculous ease earlier. But we decided to give it a go just to see what the fight was like.

Really just a battle of attrition, keep everyone in the party alive long enough and "wear him out". Fight was pretty standard for a while, only problem move was light blade as it did horrid damage to our pld. At about 50 percent health myself and the drg did a light skillchain, our blm burst fire3 for about 1100 damage, Kamlanaut promptly used light blade on him for 1600 damage, dead blm.

Fight continues as normal until he had about 30 percent health, when Kamlanaut did light blade to our pld while our whm was casting cure4, too late, dead pld. Now we had no tank, and chaos ensued.

Agro bounced around because of his hate reset move, but the drg and myself did a pretty good job holding him onto us. We got lucky twice because at one point he used light blade on me..and MISSED (I got an evasion skillup too!), and again lucky because at about 20 percent health our whm used benediction, and Kamlanaut immediately reset the hate after bene. Lucky us!

By now we were probably about 9 minutes in and our mages were low on mp. Hate continued to bounce everywhere and Kamlanaut was all over the room. At about 10 percent health Kamlanaut did his AOE move and that took down BOTH the rdm and whm. So now its just myself and the drg staring at this guy. Eek.

We just kept meleeing him and praying basically. Eventually our drg used wheeling thrust which got him hate, and left a clear path for me to SA Spinning Slash. Kamlanaut takes 450 or so damage. Mertron defeats Kamlanaut.

Holy ****.

Unbeleiveably fun fight though :) Our time was something like 11 minutes 15 seconds. Server record was like 4 minutes on Fairy. Howd they do that >.>
RE: Like Whoa.
# Mar 08 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Probably with 6xBlm or 6xSmn
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2005 at 10:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this guys is such a wuss are lvl 75 monk very much soloed him took 7 Asuran Fists to Kill this guys we beat him in 5 mins.
I found it easy too
# Jan 31 2005 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
He doesn't move around (which is nice) and his regular attacks aren't anything special. He did catch me off guard, I was prepping Asuran Fists and hate got reset, so for a while I was tanking and it wasn't pretty. He got me down to 21hp with that stupid Light Blade. Luckily I got healed up and we delivered quite the beat down. Our Ranger did manage to get hate and got taken out by Light Blade.. man that move hurts. But it was the only "scary" thing he had.

To counter the dispelga, have the mages just throw up lots of random bar-whatevers and anything else. If you have a summoner with Fenrir use his "bunch of stats go up" move to give a similar cushion.

To get the best edge possible, buy one of the absolute best food you can for your job. I bought an 8000g sole sushi +1 and that was part of my hate problem right there cuz I was hitting HARD and I hit every single time. Worth it's weight in gold that stuff is.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 07:39:34 2005
Easier than I expected
# Jan 27 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Excellent
6,947 posts
I did this battle with my static party tonight.

RDM/BLM (actually, I don't remember if the RDM subbed BLM or WHM for this)

All level 70.

I had read every post in this thread, and psyched mysellf up for a really intense battle. I was as nervous as I was when I was preparing to battle Maat.

We beat him in 6 minuts, with no troubles whatsoever.

When he uses his En-spells, you can see very clearly around him an aura of color... thingies... so it was easy for the melees (up front in the battle) to tell the mages which element not to nuke with at any given time.

Our RDM and BRD were constantly dispelling him, which seemed to keep him busy.

His AOE silence didnt get the mages every time, but everyone (who needed them) had plenty of Echo Drops on hand.

I worried a bit about the Hate Reset move, and the fact that we had a NIN tank, and the fact that my THF subjob is underleveled, so I couldn't use it for SA/TA onto her.

I looked for, but never actually saw, his hate reset move, so I am not sure if he used it.

I did pull hate several times, though, and I took a Light Blade (his TP move) twice, each time doing about 1k damage to me.

Fortunately, I am a monk, with over 1600 HP and a set of great mages backing me up, so it wasn't a problem.

Near the end of the battle, our NIN tank took a Light Blade when her shadows were down, and dropped into critical red, but nobody died.

We used a 3-part skillchain on him,

NIN = Blade:Ten > MNK = Dragon Kick {Fragmentation} > WAR = Mistral Axe {Light}

and we used that chain twice.

I was a bit worried after reading that he had 13k HP, but once we got him down to about 3/4 HP, it was clear that he wasn't going to pose any problem.

I was actually a teensy bit dissapointed at how easily we beat him. ^^

A competent party of level 70 can take him down with ease.

Good luck, and here's a picture, in case anyone likes spoilers:

  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    # Jan 24 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
    199 posts
    Just did it last night, and it's true this one can be tough.
    Our set up was PLD70, WAR70, RNG73, RNG72, WHM75, and RDM66.

    He owned us the first time we tried, I got 1 shotted =/. After that everyone died slowly but the WHM who managed to escape.

    Second time we were a bit smarted. I started tanking like I would for a regularly exp. section. Then as soon as my MP got half way, I used Invincible.

    Our Damage dealers then unloaded on him, which took him down to like 45%. After invincible ran out, I did my best to keep hate. It bounced around a bit, he just loves to reset it /sigh.

    Anyhow, we beat him after WAR used Mighty Strikes(he also gave me a good bye present that left my hp at 295/1293 after being beaten! =/). It took us 4 mins 31 secs, 15 secs away from record.

    Edited, Mon Jan 24 10:11:35 2005
    Video Of the Fight
    # Jan 22 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent

    Here is a video of the fight =P check it out.
    look in the video section ^^

    btw all video are in Divx format might need to update your video player to view this, also this is in 2 parts so dont forget to d/l both

    Edited, Sat Jan 22 19:59:23 2005
    BRD65 experience
    # Jan 19 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
    787 posts
    I went as BRD65 for this battle. I was able to land Requiem and Elegy with Soul Voice on and CHR+40 (with food). When Soul Voice wore off, my songs were resisted, but I was able to land them again by giving myself both CHR Etudes first. Finale was never resisted.
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