EQ:Alternate Advancement - Archetype  

NumNameCostClassesCat.TypeOld TabDescription
516 Abundant Healing 5 Clr Dru Shm Defense Whenever you cast a level direct healing spell, there is a chance that your target will continue to be healed over the next 30 seconds. Additional ranks increase the effectiveness of the ability and the chance for it to occur. Ranks 1 through 5 work on spells between level 60 and 75. Ranks 6 through 10 work on spells between level 60 and 80. Ranks 11 through 15 work on level 65 through 85 spells.
10367 Ageless Enmity 12 War Utility This ability focuses your hatred to a single enemy with unresistable effect.
10392 Ageless Enmity 12 Pal Shd Utility This ability focuses your hatred to a single enemy with unresistable effect.
352 Arcane Tongues 3 Enc Mag Nec Wiz Tradeskill This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
1219 Armor of Wisdom 6 War Stats This passive ability reflects your vast experience and grants you an additional amount of innate protection in the form of boosted armor class. Additional ranks further boost your armor class.
1220 Armor of Wisdom 6 Pal Shd Stats This passive ability reflects your vast experience and grants you an additional amount of innate protection in the form of boosted armor class. Additional ranks further boost your armor class.
1221 Armor of Wisdom 6 Brd Clr Mnk Rng Stats This passive ability reflects your vast experience and grants you an additional amount of innate protection in the form of boosted armor class. Additional ranks further boost your armor class.
1222 Armor of Wisdom 6 Ber Bst Rog Shm SoD Stats This passive ability reflects your vast experience and grants you an additional amount of innate protection in the form of boosted armor class. Additional ranks further boost your armor class.
1223 Armor of Wisdom 6 Dru Enc Mag Nec Wiz Stats This passive ability reflects your vast experience and grants you an additional amount of innate protection in the form of boosted armor class. Additional ranks further boost your armor class.
3708 Burst of Power 8 Pal Shd Caps Each rank will increase your max skill cap for triple attack by 5 points.
3833 Burst of Power 8 Ber Mnk Rng War SoF Caps Each rank will increase your max skill cap for triple attack by 5 points.
3834 Burst of Power 8 Rog Caps Each rank will increase your max skill cap for triple attack by 5 points.
3837 Burst of Power 8 Brd Bst Caps Each rank will increase your max skill cap for triple attack by 5 points.
1214 Cascade of Life 5 Clr Dru Shm Defense Whenever you cast a level direct healing spell, there is a chance that your target will be blessed with an additional amount of healing. Additional ranks increase the amount of healing done.
30 Combat Fury 2 Brd Bst Mnk Pal Shd Offense This ability increases your chance to land a critical hit. Non-Warriors will nearly match the original critical hit abilities of Warriors, while Warriors will remain significantly ahead of other classes.
309 Combat Fury 2 Ber War SoL Offense This ability increases your chance to land a critical hit. Non-Warriors will nearly match the original critical hit abilities of Warriors, while Warriors will remain significantly ahead of other classes. further increases your chance to score a critical blow against your opponent.
1200 Companion's Alacrity 7 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Offense This passive ability will increase the chance that your companion has to execute a flurry of attacks when in combat. Additional ranks increase the chance that your companion will flurry.
3705 Companion's Blessing 7 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Defense Bless your companion with an enduring heal that will last for one minute and heal for increasing amounts of health. Each Rank increases the amount your companion is healed for.
3512 Companion's Durability 3 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Defense Increases the hitpoints of your companion by 1, 3 and 5 percent for the first three ranks and 7, 9 and 11 percent for the final three ranks.
1205 Companion's Fury 7 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Offense This passive ability will grant a chance for your companion to score a critical hit when attacking via melee. Additional ranks increase the chance of a critical hit.
563 Concentration 3 Ber Mnk Rog War DoDh Utility Each rank in this ability increases your chance to not have item effects interrupted when you take damage.
259 Critical Affliction 3 Brd Bst Dru Nec Rng Shd Shm Offense This ability grants damage-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. Additional ranks improve this chance.
3718 Critical Affliction 3 Clr Enc Offense This ability grants damage-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. Additional ranks improve this chance.
398 Destructive Fury 3 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Offense Each rank of this ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
1022 Destructive Fury 3 Brd Bst Pal Rng Shd Offense This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
1580 Divine Companion Aura 9 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Emergency The gods empower you to render your pet invulnerable for a short period of time.
104 Double Riposte 3 Ber Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rog Shd War SoL Defense The first three ranks of this ability will give you an increased chance to execute a double riposte 15, 35, and 50 percent of the time. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
1204 Empowered Ingenuity 4 Ber Mnk Rog War SoD Offense This passive ability will allow the critical strikes that you do with weapons to deal additional damage in the form of stronger critical hits. Additional ranks increase the power of your critical hits with items.
498 Enhanced Aggression 5 Ber Brd Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rog Shd War War DoDh Caps Each rank of this ability increases the maximum amount of attack you can gain from items.
348 Expansive Mind 5 All but Ber Mnk Rog War Caps This ability raises the maximum that your mana regeneration can be increased with items by 1 point per rank.
1218 Extended Ingenuity 4 Brd Utility This passive ability will allow item effects to last longer for you when you use them. Additional ranks further increase the duration increase.
1433 Extended Ingenuity 4 Ber Mnk Rog War War SoD Utility This passive ability will allow item effects to last longer for you when you use them. Additional ranks further increase the duration increase.
31 Fear Resistance 2 Ber Brd Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rog Shd War SoL Utility This ability grants you a resistance bonus to fear type spells of 5, 10, and 25 percent. It also increases the chance of breaking fear earlier.
189 Ferocity 3 Ber Mnk Rng Rog War PoP Offense Each rank of this ability grants you an increased chance of performing a double attack in any given combat round.
32 Finishing Blow 2 Ber Brd Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rog Shd War SoL Utility This ability gives you a chance to finish off an NPC that is below 10 percent health and fleeing with a single blow. Additional ranks increase the maximum level of affected NPC. Rank 1: level 50, Rank 2: level 52, Rank 3: level 54, Rank 4: level 56, Rank 5: level 58, Rank 6: level 60, Rank 7: level 61, Rank 8: level 63, Rank 9: Level 65, Rank 10: level 66, Rank 11: level 68, Rank 12: level 70, Rank 13: Level 71, Rank 14: Level 73, Rank 15: Level 75. Rank 16: Level 76. Rank 17: 78. Rank 18: 80. Rank 19: 82. Rank 20: 84. Rank 21: 86. (Non-Warriors must first train one level of Combat Fury to use this ability.)
7003 Forceful Rejuvenation 7 All but Ber Brd Mnk Rog War Emergency By activating this ability you will feel refreshed and many of your spell casting timers will be reset, allowing you to instantly use the refreshed abilities.
3707 Fortify Companion 6 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Defense Reduces the damage your pet takes from damage shields when striking a foe with the off hand as well as provides a small amount of evasion and mitigates the effects of melee and spell damage, up to a point. Each rank further increases the power of some of these effects.
215 Fury of Magic 3 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Offense Each rank in this ability increases your chance to score a critical hit with your direct damage spells.
358 Fury of Magic 3 Brd Bst Pal Rng Shd Offense This ability further increases your chance to score a critical hit with your direct damage spells.
1217 Gate 3 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz Utility This ability grants you an additional version of your Gate spell.
1650 Gift of Amazing Exquisite Radiant Mana 9 Bst Pal Rng Shd Defense Whenever you cast a level 81 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 85 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
4000 Gift of Amazing Exquisite Radiant Mana 9 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz Defense Whenever you cast a level 81 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 85 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
1649 Gift of Exquisite Radiant Mana 9 Bst Pal Rng Shd Defense Whenever you cast a level 76 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 80 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
3825 Gift of Exquisite Radiant Mana 9 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz Defense Whenever you cast a level 76 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 80 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
495 Gift of Mana 3 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz Defense Whenever you cast a level 65 to 70 spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 70 or lower spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
1663 Gift of Mana 10 Bst Pal Rng Shd Defense Whenever you cast a level 65 to 70 spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 70 or lower spell you cast after that to only cost a single point of mana. Additional ranks increase the chance of this occurring. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
742 Gift of Radiant Mana 9 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz Defense Whenever you cast a level 71 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 75 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
1648 Gift of Radiant Mana 9 Bst Pal Rng Shd Defense Whenever you cast a level 71 or higher spell that heals or harms someone, this ability grants you an innate chance for the next level 75 or lower spell you cast to only cost a single point of mana. Note that you only have a brief time to make use of the benefits of this ability before it fades away.
1212 Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead 7 Clr Nec Pal Shd Utility This ability grants your group a perfected ability to be invisible to the undead.
1666 Group Perfected Levitation 12 Bst Dru Enc Mag Rng Shm Wiz Utility This ability grants your group a perfected ability to Levitate on demand.
1209 Hardy Endurance 5 Ber Mnk Rog War Stats This passive ability will add fifty endurance per rank to your endurance total.
1020 Hastened Companion's Blessing 5 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Utility This ability decreases the amount of time required between uses of Companion's Blessing by 60 seconds per rank.
256 Hastened Curing 3 Clr Dru Shm Utility This ability decreases the reuse time of Radiant Cure by 10 percent per rank.
4200 Hastened Forceful Rejuvenation 5 All but Ber Brd Mnk Rog War Utility This ability reduces the amount of time required between uses of Forceful Rejuvenation by 5% for each rank.
1203 Hastened Fortify Companion 4 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm Utility This passive ability will decrease the amount of time you must wait between uses of your Fortify Companion. Ranks 1, 2, and 3 reduce the reuse time by two minutes per rank. Ranks 4, 5, and 6 further reduce this time by 3 minutes per rank.
3521 Hastened Silent Casting 6 Clr Dru Shm Utility This ability will reduce the reuse of your Silent Casting ability by 3 minutes per rank.
3522 Hastened Silent Casting 6 Enc Mag Nec Wiz Utility This ability will reduce the reuse of your Silent Casting ability by 3 minutes per rank.
18 Healing Adept 2 Bst Clr Dru Pal Rng Shm Defense The first three ranks of this ability increase the maximum effectiveness of your healing spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent. Additional ranks increase the maximum effectiveness of your healing by an additional 3 percent per rank.
389 Healing Boon 3 Clr Pal Shm Defense This ability grants heal-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell for that tick.
19 Healing Gift 2 Bst Clr Dru Pal Rng Shm Defense The first three ranks of this ability grant you a chance to score an exceptional heal at 3, 6, and 10 percent. Additional ranks further increase the chance by 2 percent per rank. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell.
7809 Hybrid Research 4 Bst Pal Rng Shd Tradeskill Each rank will increase your max skill cap for research by 10 points.
210 Ingenuity 1 Ber Mnk Rog War Offense Years of experimentation have led to the discovery of how to gain additional performance (in the form of critical spell hits) from weapons and other items. Each rank in this ability will increase your critical hit chance with such items.
144 Innate Enlightenment 3 Enc Mag Nec Wiz Caps Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect. Each rank of this ability raises the maximum that you may raise your Intelligence and Wisdom by ten points. You may train in this ability once each level, beginning at level 61.
316 Innate Enlightenment 3 Clr Dru Shm Caps Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect. Each rank of this ability raises the maximum that you may raise your Intelligence and Wisdom by ten points. You may train in this ability once each level, beginning at level 61.
733 Killing Spree 3 Ber Mnk Rog War Offense After slaying a non-trivial con enemy, you have a 10% chance per rank to enter a battle frenzy that instantly boosts your endurance slightly as well as increases your offensive damage for the next 30 seconds.
150 Mastery of the Past 3 Brd Enc Mag Nec Shd Wiz Utility This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle spells up to a certain level. Rank 1 - level 53. Rank 2 - level 55. Rank 3 - level 57. Rank 4 - level 61. Rank 5 - level 63. Rank 6 - level 65. Rank 7 - level 66. Rank 8 - level 68. Rank 9 - level 70. Rank 10 - level 71. Rank 11 - level 73. Rank 12 - level 75. Rank 13 - 78. Rank 14 - 79. Rank 15 - 80.
251 Mastery of the Past 3 Bst Clr Dru Pal Rng Shm Utility This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle spells up to a certain level. Rank 1 - level 53. Rank 2 - level 55. Rank 3 - level 57. Rank 4 - level 61. Rank 5 - level 63. Rank 6 - level 65. Rank 7 - level 66. Rank 8 - level 68. Rank 9 - level 70. Rank 10 - level 71. Rank 11 - level 73. Rank 12 - level 75. Rank 13 - 78. Rank 14 - 79. Rank 15 - 80.
224 Mental Clarity 2 All but Ber Mnk Rog War Stats This ability increases your natural mana regeneration by 1 point per ability level.
1208 Mental Stamina 5 All but Ber Mnk Rog War Stats This passive ability will add fifty mana per rank to your mana total.
347 Mnemonic Retention 3 All but Ber Mnk Rog War Utility This ability gives you an additional spell slot so you can memorize an additional spell.
29 Natural Healing 2 Ber Brd Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rog Shd War Stats This ability raises your natural regeneration by one point per ability level.
1202 Perfected Levitation 7 Bst Dru Enc Mag Rng Shm Wiz This ability grants you a perfected ability to Levitate on demand.
237 Persistent Casting 3 All but Ber Mnk Rog War Your highly developed concentration creates the possibility of continuing to cast spells while stunned. Increased ranks in this ability increase the chance that your spells will not be interrupted by stuns.
364 Persistent Minion 7 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm This ability upgrades your Suspended Minion ability to allow pets to remain suspended across zone lines. Also, if you camp with a suspended pet and have this ability, the pet will be available to you when you return.
250 Pet Affinity 12 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm This ability makes your summoned pets a valid target for beneficial group spells.
202 Punishing Blade 2 Ber Mnk Rng War This ability increases the chance of scoring an extra hit with all two-handed weapons. Each rank in this ability increases the chance of scoring an extra hit with all two-handed weapons that you wield.
48 Quick Buff 3 Bst Clr Dru Enc Pal Rng Shm This ability reduces the casting time of many beneficial spells that have a duration by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
1667 Quickened Encroaching Darkness 7 Nec Shd Reduces the casting time of Encroaching Darkness. Rank 1 reduces the cast time by 10%. Rank 2 reduces the cast time by 25%. Rank 3 reduces the cast time by 50%.
1206 Quickened Radiant Cure 4 Clr Dru Shm This passive ability will decrease the cast time of your Radiant Cure ability by ten percent per rank.
153 Radiant Cure 2 Clr Dru Shm This ability grants its wielder the ability to cure their party of many afflictions, poisons, curses, and harmful magics. Additional ranks increase the curing properties of this ability.
236 Secondary Forte 9 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz This ability allows you to advance a second arcane specialization by 50 points. After acquiring this ability, the next specialization to go over your current cap becomes your secondary forte.
435 Shield Block 3 Pal Shd War This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
762 Shield Block 3 Clr Dru Shm This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
3802 Shield Block 3 Brd Rng Rog This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
3835 Shield Block 3 Enc Mag Nec Wiz This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
388 Shielding Resistance 3 Brd Bst Mnk Rng Rog War This ability decreases the amount of damage you take when your offhand attacks encounter a damage shield.
494 Silent Casting 5 Clr Dru Shm While active, this ability will reduce the amount of hate you generate when casting spells by up to 20%. Each additional rank increases the maximum that this ability can reduce your hate by an additional 20%.
500 Silent Casting 5 Enc Mag Nec Wiz While active, this ability will reduce the amount of hate you generate when casting spells by up to 20%. Each additional rank increases the maximum that this ability can reduce your hate by an additional 20%.
354 Slippery Attacks 3 Brd Bst Mnk Rng Rog War This ability makes it more difficult for opponents to riposte your offhand attacks. Each rank increases the chance that your opponent will fail to riposte by 20%.
27 Spell Casting Deftness 2 Mag Nec Shd Wiz This ability reduces the casting time of beneficial spells that have a duration longer than instant and a cast time greater than three seconds. The ability levels reduce these casting times by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
26 Spell Casting Expertise 2 Brd Enc Mag Nec Shd Wiz This ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle a spell. The first level affects all spells below level 20. The second, on all spells below level 35. The third, on all spells below level 52.
23 Spell Casting Fury 2 All but Ber Mnk Rog War The three ranks of this ability give you a 2, 4, and 7 percent chance to land critical hits with your direct damage spells.
20 Spell Casting Mastery 2 Clr Dru Enc Mag Nec Shm Wiz This ability lowers the mana cost of spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent.
1662 Spell Casting Mastery 3 Bst Pal Rng Shd This ability lowers the mana cost of spells by 2, 5, and 10 percent.
21 Spell Casting Reinforcement 2 Bst Clr Dru Enc Pal Rng Shd Shm This ability increases the duration of beneficial spells that you cast by 5, 15, and 30 percent.
1224 Spell Casting Reinforcement Artistry 8 Mag Nec Wiz This ability increases the duration of beneficial buffs that you cast by an additional 10 percent.
25 Spell Casting Subtlety 2 Enc Mag Nec Wiz The first three ranks of this ability make NPCs notice your magical activities 5, 10, and 20 percent less. Additional ranks further enhance this effect.
252 Spell Casting Subtlety 3 Clr Dru Shm The first three ranks of this ability make NPCs notice your magical activities 5, 10, and 20 percent less. Additional ranks further enhance this effect.
8300 Spell Casting Subtlety 3 Bst After training in this ability, NPCs will notice your magical activities 5, 10, and 20 percent less.
1215 Summon Companion 3 Bst Enc Mag Nec Shd Shm This ability grants you a faster casting version of your Summon Companion spell.
338 Veteran's Wrath 3 Brd Bst Mnk Pal Shd Each rank in this ability increases the damage you cause when you land a critical hit on a melee attack. This ability does not affect special attacks.
235 Weapon Affinity 5 Ber Brd Bst Mnk Pal Rng Rng Rog Shd War War Through years of practice, you develop a close bond with your weapons. This affinity enhances the performance of your weapons by increasing the rate that they trigger effects.
7819 Written Prayer 3 Clr Dru Shm Each rank will increase your max skill cap for research by 10 points.

This page last modified 2011-12-22 00:23:31.