EQ:Alternate Advancement - General  

NumNameCostsClassesCat.TypeOld Tab Description
49 Alchemy Mastery 9 Shm Tradeskill Tradeskill Class This ability reduces your chances of failing alchemy combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
325 Baking Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing baking combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
497 Bandage Wounds 3 All but War DoDh Utility Depths Each rank in this ability increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage.
582 Battle Ready 5 All TSS Utility TSS Battle Ready expands the bandolier by one additional save slot per rank.
324 Blacksmithing Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing blacksmith combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
326 Brewing Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing brewing combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
34 Combat Agility 2 All SoL Defense Archetype The first three ranks of this ability increase your melee damage avoidance by 2, 5 and 10 percent. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
579 Combat Medic 3 All but Ber War TSS Utility TSS Increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage.
33 Combat Stability 2 All SoL Defense Archetype The first three ranks of this ability increase melee damage mitigation by 2, 5, and 10 percent. Additional ranks further increase this effect.
335 Delay Death 3 All OoW Emergency Omens This ability increases how far below zero your hit points can fall before you die by 50 hit points per rank. You will still fall unconscious when you reach zero hit points.
333 Discordant Defiance 5 All OoW Caps Omens This ability raises the maximum that your resistances can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
378 Earthen Alacrity 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your agility can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
382 Earthen Allure 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your charisma can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
379 Earthen Artistry 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your dexterity can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
376 Earthen Brawn 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your strength can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
381 Earthen Brilliance 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your intelligence can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
380 Earthen Sagacity 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your wisdom can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
377 Earthen Stability 5 All UF Caps Raises the maximum that your stamina can be increased to with items and spells by 5 points per rank.
783 Energetic Attunement 5 All TSS Caps TSS Energetic Attunement enhances your receptivity to the potential healing power of your magical gear. Each rank of this ability increases the maximum by which your hit point regeneration can be raised with items by 1 point.
17 First Aid 1 All SoL Utility General This ability increases the maximum that you can bind wound by 10 percent for each ability level.
327 Fletching Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing fletching combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
5005 Foraging 3 All Racial Innate Utility Grants an increase of 50 points to the Forage skill of anyone who purchases it. Will increase the skill cap for those that have the Forage skill and grant the skill and raise the cap to those that do not.
3801 General Sturdiness 6 All SoF Stats Each rank of this ability increases your maximum hit points by 100.
3829 Hastened Origin 3 All SoF Utility Decreases the reuse time of your Origin ability by 6 minutes per rank.
3 Innate Agility 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Agility by 2 points for each ability level.
7 Innate Charisma 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Charisma by 2 points for each ability level.
9 Innate Cold Protection 1 All SoL Resists General This ability raises your base Save Vs Cold by 2 points for each ability level.
4 Innate Dexterity 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Dexterity by 2 points for each ability level.
12 Innate Disease Protection 1 All SoL Resists General This ability raises your base Save Vs Disease by 2 points for each ability level.
8 Innate Fire Protection 1 All SoL Resists General This ability raises your base Save Vs Fire by 2 points for each ability level.
5 Innate Intelligence 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Intelligence by 2 points for each ability level.
16 Innate Lung Capacity 1 All SoL Utility General This ability increases the amount of air you can hold in your lungs 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100% percent. Rank 6 grants you the permanent ability to breathe underwater and in airless environment.
10 Innate Magic Protection 1 All SoL Resists General This ability raises your base Save Vs Magic by 2 points for each ability level.
15 Innate Metabolism 1 All SoL Utility General This ability decreases your food consumption by 10, 25 and 50 percent.
11 Innate Poison Protection 1 All SoL Resists General This ability raises your base Save Vs Poison by 2 points for each ability level.
225 Innate Regeneration 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your regeneration ability by 1 point per ability level.
13 Innate Run Speed 1 All SoL Stats General This ability will slightly modify your base run speed. This modification does NOT stack with movement rate spell effects.
322 Innate See Invis 9 All DoDh Stats Depths This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
2 Innate Stamina 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Stamina by 2 points for each ability level.
1 Innate Strength 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Strength by 2 points for each ability level.
6 Innate Wisdom 1 All SoL Stats General This ability raises your base Wisdom by 2 points for each ability level.
56 Jewel Craft Mastery 2 Enc Tradeskill Tradeskill Class This ability reduces your chance of failing jewelcraft combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
576 Jewel Craft Mastery 3 All but Enc Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens Decreases failure chance of jewel crafting combines by 10, 25 and 50%
1216 Mental Fortitude 5 All SoD Defense This passive ability grants you an innate resistance to charm spells. Additional ranks increase your resistance further.
334 Mystical Attuning 5 All OoW Caps Omens This ability increases the number of mystical effects that can affect you at once by 1 per rank.
1115 Mystical Shield 9 All UF Defense This ability grants you a 5 percent chance to completely resist any spell.
28 Natural Durability 2 All SoL Stats Archetype This ability increases your maximum hitpoints by 2, 5, and 10 percent for the first three ranks, and one additional percent for each rank after that. (The percentages are based off of your base hitpoints, which include stamina and stamina effects.)
141 New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill General Training with the sages and merchants of New Tanaan gives adventurers the chance to hone their crafting skills. For each rank of this ability that you purchase, you are able to raise an additional trade skill past its Specialization level (200). (This ability applies to Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, and Tailoring.)
331 Origin 7 All OoW Utility Omens Upon using this ability, you will be transported back to your starting city.
233 Packrat 3 All GoD Utility Gates Each rank in this ability improves the efficiency with which you store your gear, effectively reducing your overall weight.
142 Planar Power 2 All PoP Caps PoP Adv. This ability raises the maximum that your statistics can be raised to, with items or spells, by 5 points per rank.
103 Poison Mastery 3 Rog Tradeskill Tradeskill Class This ability reduces your chance of failing on a poison combination by 10, 25, and 50 percent. It also reduces the time to apply poison by 2.5 seconds per ability level. Once one point is applied to this ability, you will never again fail in poison application.
328 Pottery Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing pottery combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
581 Quick Draw 5 All TSS Utility TSS Quick Draw expands the potion belt by one additional available item slot per rank.
330 Salvage 5 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability gives you the chance to automatically recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
329 Tailoring Mastery 3 All Tradeskill Tradeskill Omens This ability reduces the chance of failing tailoring combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.

This page last modified 2011-12-21 19:24:49.