Yay! Lol that's me in the picure! ^^ That's my first ever picture on this site! Thanks for posting it! I bought this Great Axe from the AcutionHouse in Jeuno for 11k on Kujata server. Just so you know :)
I'd say to use it until level 36. This axe has served me well and I highly reccomend it >.>
No clue about desynth, but this axe you can use for a good 6 lvls. Go for Heavy Axe from lvl 36 to whenever (not sure of next GA on teh list). Best way to get Heavy axe: Do the Trouble in the Sluice quest in Northern San d'Oria. ^^
well...if your blacksmithing is level 5, it means you can barely synth a bronze harness (level1 item) without failing since this is a level 30+ item, im guessing your failure rate will be nearly 100%, IF you can even attempt it
One the Bahumat server all these items go for around 10k and im a war so i got the axe and the full gear it ran me around 40k and i mine alot and sold my old gear whihc was worth 30k so i easly had enough gil for all of this. U could just camp any easy nm to get a 40k item. Well i hope this helps.
As the name implies, this is a Conquest item from Bastok. It seems to be available even if Bastok is third in Conquest, but Bastok has been first on my server for several weeks so it's been a while since I checked availability in last place.
Rank 3 is required to obtain it, as with the Centurion Sword and Centurion Scale Mail pieces, and it will run you 4000 Conquest Points, 8000 if you're non-Bastokan and ahead of Bastok in Conquest.
Or you can purchase it, of course, but expect to pay a premium since CP items do tend to go for a chunk of change.
From 30-33, this is the GA to use. At 34, pick up a Heavy Axe for the exact same delay but more damage. Don't bother with the Bastokan Greataxe, though.