sandy is in 1st bastok is in 2nd and windy is in 3rd and i looked with both of my toons to see if sandy or bastok could get them from a W.W and they were not on the list. does windy need to be in 2nd for these to show up?
I'm from Bastok. Who do I talk to in Windurst to get this item? I can't seem to find any infomation on this?
Edit: Didn't feel like paying 30k each from Jeuno AH (I needed 2, which isn't worth approx. 4k conquest points). So I shouted and some very nice person from Windurst helped me out.
I just bought 2 of these a few weeks for 2k apiece at jeuno on the Titan server.. they are really nice on my thf its lvl 25 now im thinkin about upgrading but i like them lol
this knife almost seems useless because the delay on it is more than a decurion's... yet neither are easily obtained by sandorians, is there a sandy equivalent to these knives or did we just get screwed?
i dont think you can get this knife unless windurst is in the lead in conquest. right now on fairy sever i cannot get this knife its not even listed and windurst is in last. please send your thoughts or a correction in