This thing is worthless, only use I can see for it is getting it so you can put the set in storage. Shura Togi is the best body piece for Sam, no question. Osode for WS, of course. I have 2 sets for my Sam, 3 if you count the stuff I use as /nin. One full STR, and one atk/acc. Store TP = Worthless. I'm sure you guys can think of better things to put in those slots. VIT+6 is not gonna help you if you take hate, third eye is. And it doesn't even look cool. =/ Togi looks much better imo.
yeah, almost any smart sam...well at least sam/war...will have several different sets of gear. since sams can play moderately versatile roles (DD, parttime tank, puller, etc) they may need different skill modifiers...example: i myself will eventually have a store tp set, STR set, ACC set, ATT set, and maybe someday a DEX set (when i actually lvl thf). if ur fighting, u can macro on ur ACC set, or store tp...or hey, even mix match the two...then when ur rdy to WS just switch on ur rutter's kirins alkys etc and kick the hell outta the mob...rinse and repeat...but honestly, this piece sucks for a Relic armor piece...first of all, sams dont tank enuff for their relic to be tank gear (most ppl argue thats what this is for...after all it cant really be anything else) and anyway, the VIT and hp boost isnt enuff to be worth it. to me it is merely just a trophy least it LOOKS good heh...but this is just one sams opinion :>
THF cant wear this fool, its samurai relic for god sake, too bad it sucks so bad ; ; the best body piece is the drydac abjuration armor, shura togi +10ACC +20ATT, and about just as hard to get as this
id take kirins osode over shura togi, being as strength is a modifier for yuki, gekko, and kasha...but hey, attacks neat for that killer DOT gear samurai.
What about the Myochin Domaru +1? 6 STR and 12 ACC. Now, it's only my opinion that 6 STR would be better than 20 attack, but I don't think anyone can say that 12 ACC isn't better than 10. As for the Kirin Osode, that would be spectacular if you actually had one.
with the new chains of promanthia out the samuri TenZen has nice looking samuri armor i dunno what that armor is or how you get it but i want to so if anyone want to send a link or how to get it plese