Family: | Skeleton | Found in: | The Eldieme Necropolis
| Level: | 60 | Flags:- Notorious Monster
- Aggro
- Linking
- Based on Earth
- Weak against Fire
- Weak against Light
- Strong against Darkness
- Strong against Ice
| Drops: | Stolen Items: | Updated: Fri Dec 28 16:26:12 2007 | |
A Sin Run is a term for an organized "hunt" for the various sin weapons. Each weaopn drops from it's respective skeleton NM. It takes a minimum of 7 people, and each of those people needs to be able to kill a different skull, because ALL SEVEN are popped at the same time. You have to beware of blood agro, no matter what level. It is easiest to do this with level 75 jobs, or jobs that are paired off to duo-fight the skeletons. All information provided is from FFXI-Atlas and Allakhazam.
The 7 deadly sins are: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath The stats for each of the skeletons are as follows: - Level: 60
- Aggro
- Linking
- Based on Earth
- Weak against Fire
- Weak against Light
Everyone enters The Eldieme Necropolis. There is a specific position for each person. More information about how to get to that position is below. These are all the maps associated with the run.
Click on a map to enlarge it. Beaucedine Glacier | The Eldieme Necropolis 1 | The Eldieme Necropolis 2 | The Eldieme Necropolis 3 | Batallia Downs | East Ronfaure | Ranguemont Pass | Xarcabard |
Everyone must be at each spot at the same time, and everyone trades a flint stone to the tallow candle. The candles only stay lit a short time, and if you zone--they will go out. Once traded, the flame only lasts a short amount of time, so coordination is required. Once all 7 candles are lit; all NM Skeletons will pop. Drop rate is bad, but they do have good gems. You can do this as many times as you want, respawn is an hour from when the last skeleton dies. Now, how to get to the appropriate position:
NM | Drops | Position in The Eldieme Necropolis | Position from Batallia Downs | How to get to that position |
Skull of Envy | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Jadeite, Envy Spear | A-8 | D-6 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 8th entrance, position D-6. Go north-west until you get to position A-8. | Skull of Gluttony | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Chrysoberyl, Gluttony Sword | J-6 | G-7 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 5th entrance, position G-7. Go east, then north, until you get to position J-6. | Skull of Greed | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Fluorite, Greed Scimitar | K-7 | I-10 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-6 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole B). Once on ground floor, go north-west to position K-8 (almost K-7). Make a right (go east) and then go north to get to position K-7. | Skull of Lust | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Painite, Lust Dagger | K-12 | I-10 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-9 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole D). Once on ground floor, go south until you get to L-13, then go west to get to K-13. | Skull of Pride | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Aquamarine, Pride Staff | I-10 | I-10 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 1st entrance, position I-10. Once inside, get to position G-9 (may need help with doors), and drop through hole in the floor (Hole D). Once on ground floor, go slightly east then south and you will be on another map. Keep going south-east to get to position I-10. | Skull of Sloth | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Zircon, Sloth Wand | G-10 | G-8 | Enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at 4th entrance, position G-8. Go south-east until you get to position G-10. | Skull of Wrath | Earth Crystal, Bone Chip, Sunstone, Wrath Tabar | E-6 | F-5 | This one is slightly tricky. You need to enter Eldieme from Batallia Downs at the 7th entrance, F-5. To get to that position you need to enter from Beaucedine Glacier. You can get to Beaucedine Glacier one of 2 ways: - Teleport-Vazhl, walk from Xarcabard to Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs.
- Walk from East Ronfaure to Ranguemont Pass to Beaucedine Glacier to Batallia Downs.
Once inside, go south-east until you get to position E-6.
Weapon (Rare) | Weapon Category | Weapon Skill | Specs | Jobs |
Envy Spear | Polearm | Polearm | - Damage: 67
- Delay: 435
- Level: 59
- STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: 7
| Dragoon, Paladin, Samurai, Warrior | Gluttony Sword | Sword | Sword | - Damage: 44
- Delay: 295
- Level: 57
- STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: 7 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
| Dark Knight, Paladin, Warrior | Greed Scimitar | Sword | Sword | - Damage: 38
- Delay: 260
- Level: 60
- STR: -1 DEX: 7 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
| Beastmaster, Blue Mage, Dark Knight, Ranger, Samurai, Thief, Warrior | Lust Dagger | Dagger | Dagger | - Damage: 20
- Delay: 201
- Level: 51
- STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: 7 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
| Bard, Beastmaster, Black Mage, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Ninja, Paladin, Ranger, Red Mage, Samurai, Summoner, Thief, Warrior | Pride Staff | Staff | Staff | - Damage: 30
- Delay: 402
- Level: 53
- STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: 7 CHR: -1
| Bard, Black Mage, Monk, Red Mage, Warrior, White Mage | Sloth Wand | Wand | Club | - Damage: 17
- Delay: 237
- Level: 52
- STR: -1 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: 7 MND: -1 CHR: -1
| Black Mage, Red Mage, Scholar, White Mage | Wrath Tabar | Axe | Axe | - Damage: 45
- Delay: 316
- Level: 56
- STR: 7 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1
| Beastmaster |
This page last modified 2009-03-24 03:35:31. |