
Usage: {{RiftItem|quality|ItemName|ItemNameDisplay|id=}}


The color name from the following list. RiftItem makes use of 1 of 8 css classes to color the bluelink to match the item quality: rift-q0 (grey) to rift-q5 (purple). rift-q1 (Common White) is underlined, since the color is the same as the default text color. All 8 are displayed in Bold text. The color names are, of course, case-insensitive.
The Item Name exactly as it appears, or should appear, in the DB.
Name of the item exactly as you want it displayed, including any quantity and plurality. so if this is a Navy Dye and you have 2 of them ItemName could be "2 Navy Dyes"
DEPRECATED. To link using item id when the name won't work, see RiftItem2
DEPRECATED. To color words without linking, see RiftItem2

  • rift-q0: Trash, grey
  • rift-q1: Common, white or blank
  • rift-q2: Uncommon, Green
  • rift-q3: Rare, Blue
  • rift-q4: Epic, Purple
  • rift-q5: Relic, orange
  • rift-q7: Questitem, yellow

It would seem that Transcendent (Red, Q6) was removed before the end of Beta.

Test Links

If quality is not specified, rift-q1 (Common White) is used.

ZAM Wikibase Administrator
This template is maintained by Bohtauri. If you have any suggestions or know of any bugs in this page I am more than happy to help you out. We can chat via Private Message. Put in the subject the name of this page and i'll get back to you asap.
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Below are temporary notes for Bohtauri for when he returns to this page. He will delete them when they are inapplicable.
Riftitem is utilised inside several template to speed up their server load, i'll list the templates here soon.


This page last modified 2012-12-26 11:18:33.