The Tigress Strikes Spoilers  

The following are transcripts and videos from the Wings of the Goddess quest The Tigress Strikes.

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Windurst Waters (S) Part 1

This cutscene can be viewed in-game by talking to Gevarg at (F-5) in Windurst Waters (S). Select the cutscene "The Tigress Strikes(pt.1).

Dhea Prandoleh : Hey, PLAYERNAME!
The Cobras are in an uprrroar over that Fort Karugo-Narugo fiasco!
Dhea Prandoleh : Anaconda Mercenary Major Vashai took her mercenaries and set out as soon as she heard the news...
The boss is furrrious at bein' left in the dust!
Dhea Prandoleh : The Cobras are not gonna stand for this!
You better be ready to rrroll out at any moment...
Koru-Moru : Hi-diddly-ho!
Dhea Prandoleh : Whaddaya want with me?
Can't you see I'm busy!?
Koru-Moru : Oh, I just wanted to know if you've seen-areeno one of my students?
Dhea Prandoleh : One of your students?
You mean that little brrrat?
Koru-Moru : Ah. Yes. Ajido-Marujido.
I thought-aroo he was concen-toodily-trating on his studies...
??? : A, e, R, O*AeRO.
C, U, R, e*CURe.
Koru-Moru : Super-diddly-dooper.
Good to see you practically-practicing your spell drill-areenos.
Koru-Moru : Why doodily-don't you take a break-aroo and have some tea?
??? : H, o, L, y*HoLy!
M, e, t, E, O, r*MetEOr!
Koru-Moru : M-Meteor?
Koru-Moru : !!!
Two of Cups : A, e, R, O*AeRO.
C, U, R, e*CURe.
Koru-Moru : Ajido-Marujido-doo-diddly-areeno!!!
Koru-Moru : I was completely done-diddly-duped...
Koru-Moru : Only the son of Zonpa-Zippa could show-aroo such mast-tasty-mastery over a cardian at such a young age-areeno...
Once he gets an idea in that stubbly-stubborn head of his...
Koru-Moru : You must go and drag-aroo that boy back by the scruffily-scruff of his neck-areeno!
Dhea Prandoleh : What can you say to that?
Even if he is a brrrat, you can't leave him to the mercy of the birdmen.
Dhea Prandoleh : Talk to Rotih Maolghett once you get to the fort.
She'll lend you a paw.
Dhea Prandoleh : Don't worry, I'll explain the situation to the boss.

Fort Karugo-Narugo

Scene 1

Rotih Moalghett : Huh? What's an "Ajido"?
Oh, you mean that kid that just showed up?
Rotih Moalghett : Are you the kid's guarrrdian?
You should keep a closer eye on him!
Rotih Moalghett : Who lets a child come alone to a place like this?
I think he was tryin' to take a wander outside the walls of the fort...

Ajido-Marujido : Hmm...
There's nothing out here but dirt and cacti.
Ajido-Marujido : Where could they be hiding?
Ajido-Marujido : Oh!?
Ajido-Marujido : Ah, it's justaru a c-coeurl...
Weak against earth, as I recall.
I should be able to--
Ajido-Marujido : Whoa!!!

Romaa Mihgo : Makes the fur on my ears stand up.
My skin is prickling...
Romaa Mihgo : Ever since those...things...showed up, all sorts of strrrange--
Perih Vashai : Enough chatter.
Let's brrring these birdmen down.
Romaa Mihgo : Hey, I was the one who told you about this attack.
Don't think you can just assume command and steal the Cobra's prey!
Perih Vashai : Oh, rrrelax.
At least now the Tigresses are able to join in the fun.
Romaa Mihgo : Hmph!
Romaa Mihgo : Are you rrready, ladies?
There will be no rrretreat.
Prrress the attack, or die in the attempt!
Perih Vashai : Harden your hearts! Show no mercy!
Show them the drrreadful fangs of the Mithra!
Perih Vashai : Daughters of the jungle!

Scene 2

Ajido-Marujido : Ulp...!
Ajido-Marujido : !?
Ajido-Marujido : H-hey! Wh-who asked for your help!?

Scene 3

Ajido-Marujido : I-I would've been fine!
Ajido-Marujido : B-but...thank you anyway...
Ajido-Marujido : !?
Ajido-Marujido : Oh...!
Ajido-Marujido : It's them!
The beastmen I saw...
Romaa Mihgo : Don't do anythin' stupid.
Your little legs are shakin'!
Ajido-Marujido : Hey!
Perih Vashai : Your battle has brrrought the birdmen out of hiding.
Excellent work.
Ajido-Marujido : Hehe!
Romaa Mihgo : What...what the hell is that!?
Ajido-Marujido : Taurus!
I read about them in one of the library's book.
Romaa Mihgo : I've fought some nasty-looking crrritters in my time, but these creatures...
Perih Vashai : We'll need all the support we can get.
You up for it, kid?
Ajido-Marujido : I am no ordinary child!
I am Ajido-Marujido!
Perih Vashai : At my signal, my Anacondas will loose their arrows in a rrrain of death.
Use that confusion to blast those crrritters with the biggest spell you have.
Ajido-Marujido : O-okay!
Perih Vashai : And you, the kid's guardian!
Slip around the carnage and join the Tigresses in their assault.

Perih Vashai : Wait for it...!
Perih Vashai : !?
Romaa Mihgo : Wh-what the...!?
Robel-Akbel : The Scorpion War Warlocks were pinned down elsewhere, so I decided to come myself.
It appears you had the situation in hand...
Robel-Akbel : I apologize for my late arrival.
I am Warlock Warlord Robel-Akbel.
Robel-Akbel : You have my thanks, Mithra Mercenaries.
Your presence here has blunted what may otherwise have been a surprise slaughter.
Romaa Mihgo : Cobra Mercenary Major Romaa Mihgo!
Perih Vashai : Anaconda Mercenary Major Perih Vashai.
And we apprrreciate the help!
Ghyo Molkot : And don't forget the Terrible Tigresses from Olzhirya!
Robel-Akbel : Olzhirya?
The Federation of Windurst welcomes our friends from across the sea!
Robel-Akbel : But this attack...
Cunning even for the birdmen...
Perih Vashai : ...?
Romaa Mihgo : What's with him...?
Perih Vashai : We're done here.
Perih Vashai : Take the child back to Windurst.
The Anacondas will look in on our sisters in Meriphataud.

??? : Squawk!
You be seeing...?
??? : As we being told.
This information come in useful...hoot!
Robel-Akbel : ...
??? : "When the Harbinger cometh,
The Champions of the Dawn shall descend..."
The prophecy...
??? : And what of the wings that illuminate the darkness...?
Robel-Akbel : ...

Windurst Waters (S) Part 2

This cutscene can be viewed in-game by talking to Gevarg at (F-5) in Windurst Waters (S). Select the cutscene "The Tigress Strikes(pt.2).

Dhea Prandoleh : Oh, you're back!
Dhea Prandoleh : Looks like the brrrat is in one piece!
Ajido-Marujido : Hmph.
Dhea Prandoleh : I saw you fight at the fort, PLAYERNAME!
You sure know how to handle yourself!
All the Cobras are talkin' about it!
Dhea Prandoleh : Things seem to have escalated since that Warlock Warlord got involved.
After we rrreturned to Windurst, the boss was summoned to Heavens Tower...

In Heavens Tower...

Romaa Mihgo : I don't know who he thinks he is, but he's got nerve, puttin' a monopoly on my time...
Perih Vashai : Knock it off, Romaa.
Robel-Akbel : Ah, you're both here.
I apologize for monopolizing your time, Mercenary Majors.
Robel-Akbel : The reason I ask for your counsel is regarding the practically separate movements of the War Warlocks and the Mithra Mercenaries...
This incident has convinced me of the need for a higher level of cooperation.
Perih Vashai : Yes, I thought to suggest the very same thing.
There is more that could be accomplished if we coordinate our efforts.
Perih Vashai : There are more units arriving from the south ever day, and we need organization to take full advantage of our strrrength.
Perih Vashai : But until rrrecently, we hadn't even laid eyes on you.
How do we know you can be trrrusted?
Romaa Mihgo : Just as your War Warlocks have their...way of doing things, the Mithra have their own style of battle.
We're not here as your pet attack cats.
Robel-Akbel : I expected you to voice such doubts.
Robel-Akbel : I believe an audience with the Star Sibyl is in order...

The Star Sibyl enters...

Dhea Prandoleh : The boss was prrretty surprised to meet the Star Sibyl herself.
Dhea Prandoleh : It's that Warlock Warlord that surrrprises me, though.
Did you see...those wrrrappings?
Dhea Prandoleh : Some say he was horribly injurrred in battle; others say he's worn the wrrrapings since birth.
In any case, no one has ever seen his face!
Dhea Prandoleh : He goes to any length to claim victory, and often takes the field himself.
His allies seem to fear him almost as much as his enemies...
Dhea Prandoleh : Why would the Parliament of Patrrriarchs elect such a sinister figure...?

Koru-Moru : Ajido-Marujido!
Ajido-Marujido : Ah, Professor!
Koru-Moru : Thank the star-areenos you're safe!
This time I'll see your pin-piddly-punishment stick-a-doodily!
Koru-Moru : Back-aroo to school with you!
Ajido-Marujido : Nooo!!!
Koru-Moru : Here's my tank-diddly-thanks to you!
Dhea Prandoleh : I'd tak ethe chance to grab some rrrest.
You never know when the next duty will drrrop on you.
Dhea Prandoleh : I think the boss has her eye on you, PLAYERNAME!
Dhea Prandoleh : Keep your claws sharp!
Obtained: Star globe.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2010-06-13 20:44:37.