- Respawn time on the ??? is approximately one minute after Adamantoise is defeated or despawns.
- Will "Rage" thirty minutes after it is first engaged unless it is killed beforehand or all players with hate are killed or leave the zone and Adamantoise's hp regenerates.
- Grants title: Tortoise Torturer
- Aqua Breath: Frontal cone AoE Water based damage. Damage is strongest directly in front of Adamantoise, and waning the further from the front.
- Earth Breath: Frontal cone AoE Earth based damage. Damage is strongest directly in front of Adamantoise, and waning the further from the front.
- Harden Shell: Self target Defense Boost. (Effect can be dispelled)
- Tortoise Song: AoE Dispel effect.
- Turtle Stomp: Single target physical damage with Defense Down additional effect.
While the Adamantoise itself has no mythological background, as it is originally a Square Enix (at the time known as Squaresoft) creation, initially appearing in Final Fantasy II, the material that it is named for, "Adamant", appears periodically in Norse and Greek mythology. It is said to be a material so strong that it was able to harm gods, as the greek god Cronos used a sickle forged from adamantine to castrate his father Uranus. It is also said that Tartarus, the pit of Hades where the most sinful of souls were sent, was sealed with adamant.
The name Adamantoise is a portmanteau of the words adamant and tortoise.
This page last modified 2011-06-03 19:08:47.