The Rescue Drill  

Realm:San d'Oria
Start Area: Northern San d'Oria
Start NPC:Any gate Guard
Related Areas:La Theine Plateau
Ordelle's Caves
Related Mobs:Deaufrain
Mission:2 - 1
Min Level:8
Max Level:75
Reward:Rank 2-2
(Average from 33 ratings)
This Mission is Not Skippable
Last Updated: Thu Jan 6 18:05:21 2005

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Mission Orders


Before you can get this mission, you need to have obtained some crystals to boost your standing. The guard sends you to La Theine Plateau to receive some rescue training. To get there go to the sw corner of West Ronfaure and zone into La Theine Plateau. Go to E-6 and speak with the NPC (Galaihaurat) He can be found on you map under the Eastern tree of the three trees shown in E-6 grid of your map; he will point in the direction of the ravine. Go to the right side of the ravine and speak with the NPC there. Then follow the train south and talk to the soldiers you see there.

They tell you that a soldier named Ruillont is lost in Ordelle Caves and give you directions on how to get there. Zone into Ordelle and Ruillont should be just to the left. He tells you that he lost his sword. Go back to the soldiers and get him a new one (random soldier has the sword). Trade it to Ruillont and go speak with Vicorpasse (outside the cave) to receive your "Rescue Training Certificate" (you must have the certificate to complete the quest). Afterwards, return to San d'Oria for your new rank.

To read the transcripts for this quest, see the The Rescue Drill Spoilers page.

Mission Series

This mission is part of the San d'Oria nation mission series. The complete series includes:

This page last modified 2011-11-09 17:02:02.
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# Mar 26 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I done it but the capt wont talk to me. Wth did I do wrong?
# Mar 15 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
ok, this might sound rediculous but i cannot get this mission and i dont know why. im a lvl 11 thf, rank 2, and have completed the previous missions. does anyone know what i should do? thanks
RE: help?
# Mar 23 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
You need to turn in crystals to one of the gate guards that gives you signet. Turn in 2 stacks and you'll get it for sure, 1 might do it, but 2 will do it for sure.

"Before you can get this mission, you need to have obtained some crystals to boost your standing. The guard sends you to La Theine Plateau to receive some rescue training. To get there go to the sw corner of West Ronfaure and zone into La Theine Plateau. Then follow the train south and talk to the soldiers you see there."

Thats from the info up above from alla. You should read it >.>
Bronze Sword
# Feb 05 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Ok i just solo this mission as a lvl4 RDM. Had no real problems really, I think as you have said the only real trouble is the Poison Fungars, but its possible to just pass round them without getting into a battle.
I got my bronze sword from Deaufrain, the captain, which is the only thing which seems kind of strange since most of you seemed to have got it from Galaihaurat. But as some people have said, just talk to everyone because anyone of them might have it in the end.
# Jan 25 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Excellent
TALK TO ALL NPC’s EVEN IF THEY SAY STUPID STUFF. YOU’LL TALK TO MOST MORE THAN ONCE! You are going down a ravine, into a cave, out of ravine, back down ravine, into cave, back out of ravine. Start with NPC Galaihaurat (E-6) standing by stone fense in La Theine Plateau. Walk East/N.East to fall into ravine. When you can fall no more walk N.East. Be some sheep. Circle ravine. Gob(s). Now go South. Mountains on your left. Ravine on your right. NPC Equesobillot (F-6) stands at top of ravine. Walk down into ravine. You’re going N.West. Down slope is NPC Deaufrain (most will read F-6 so map no help now). Go South into ravine. Then S/S.West. Here is NPC Vicorpasse!!! PHOTO: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c378/Jemaniya/Vicorpasse.jpg He is key to helping you end mission where he will give you: “Rescue training certificate,” at the end. [Warning: heading into Poison Funguar territory]. West of him is NPC Augevinne. S.West NPC Yaucevouchat (F-7). East (still sinking in ravine) to cave opening. NPC Narvecaint there. Go in cave. Zone. West. South. When come to opening in cave go left. NPC Rojaireaut is there. Go North. East through pond with snippers. Purplish stalagmites on you’re right. Light blue stalagmites on you’re left. Dead ahead is hiding NPC Ruillont. After talking to him go out talking to them all backwards all the way to the first one, Galaihaurat. Get sword. Take back down to Ruillont. DON’T FORGET TO GET CERTIFICATE FROM VICORPASSE before you leave! Don’t know if you have to talk to any besides Vicorpasse on way out.

Same exact thing happened to me so now I am doing this quest again at a level 21 WAR. I'll try to walk through it for you beginners and post above ^.
Be sure once you get the sword from Deanfrain and give it to Ruillont, that you talk to Vicorpasse to get the certificate (he's halfway down the ravine). I didn't do that and ran all the way back to town and couldn't finish the mission. So I had to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the ravine and talk to all the guys till I found the right one (the rest will just say "what sword? I don't know what you're talking about!" or some variation of that.

Edited, Wed Jan 25 17:32:25 2006
# Oct 03 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I'm sure that most of you have figured out by now that there is a step missing from the above description. After returning the bronze sword, the scared Knight will thank you, and you'll feel proud that you did something good.
Rather than heading back to Sandy, as the directions state, go back to one of the guards and he'll grant you a certificate. The guard, for me, was standing near those dandilion looking things semi-hidden from sight.
At any rate, this is a fairly simple mission. Be wary of the Posion Fungars; they aggro. Luckily, I had the help of a level 72 Red Mage to protect me from those buggers. A party of level 10-12's could have been fine, too.
Have a happy mission!
# Aug 25 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
umm yeah well lets see i got the quest so i went where the npc's are and they pointed to the caves so i went in and i talked to Ruillont and he wants his sword so i go outside and I TALKED TO EVERY NPC AND NONE OF THEM WILL GIVE ME THE SWORD WHAT DID I DO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Jul 28 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,362 posts
Gotta talk to the Captain again >.< I didn't cause it wasn't in the above guide, couldn't finish ; ;
RE: Talk
# Sep 06 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
OK, just FYI, i have done this mission on 2 other char's before, easy, 5 mins tops from talking to captain to trading sword.

Here's the problem, i did it a 3rd time on a new char. and got the Biotch without the sword to tell me he needs his sword, doesnt want my help yada yada, so, knowing exactly which 2 npc's give you sword i went straight to first, no sword, went to second, no sword....

Now im running all around the ravine talking to every npc (5 times each) before i logged out logged back in to see if something was up with server or something. no dice! got pissed called POL tech support to see if there was a bug or something, guy tells me nothings wrong with the server, then he tells me go on allakhazam and check out the posts on this mission "Might be helpfull) so i do...

IF you do not talk to the captain before you talk to the 2 npc's up top you will NOT be able to complete this quest...

you HAVE to talk to the captain. im pissed, i cant get passed rank 2 now, i need to either spend 40k to change citezinship or delete the char. or just never get rank 10.

you cant buy a bronze sword to trade to him, thats ridiculous that people even say you're able to when they've never tried it themselves, it'd be nice if this little annoying catch to the mission were made known OR if SE would use the time they set aside for server maintenance to fix this thing...

w/e i'm gonna call them up again and bi*ch them out... if you're having problems getting the sword chances are you "Messed Up" and didn't talk to the right npc first. (Gay) whatever have fun and good luck!
RE: Talk
# Sep 06 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
42 posts
go to the other side E/F-6 in Plaines.
Talk to Galaihaurat.
I had the same problem helping a friend
and this is the guy who had the sword.
He is no where near the trenches or
ordelle's caves might I add.
Good luck hope this helps. ^.^


Edited, Tue Sep 6 21:32:24 2005
RE: Talk
# Oct 29 2005 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you very much, my wife was stuck running from one guard to another for like 10 minutes until she quit in frustration. And didnt know you couldnt just buy a Bronze Sword, thats what l was going to suggest lol
RE: Talk
# Sep 06 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
Awesome... i had no clue, lol didn't think they'd make npc i need to get sword from nowhere near where the rescue drill was, thanks alot man.

guess my last post is null and void!
# Jul 24 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
could a lvl 9 war do it at rank 2
RE: question
# Jul 27 2005 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
You will aggro a lot at lvl 9. I just did it at WAR14. Bring some silent oil to get past the Poison Funuars and Snippers in the cave.
safe level
# Jun 25 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
i was escorting my friend (25 whm) today and he did it without any of my help, the funguars which gave me problems at 20 didn't aggro him, so i would say the safe level to do this at is 25
RE: safe level
# Jul 27 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,362 posts
lol that's a very useful post cause i'm doing it right now as 25WHM XD
# Jun 17 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
ummmmmmm i lost the sword and i dont no wat to do i tried to give him an ah one but he didnt take it ******* and well someone telll me what the hell to do plzzzzz
No Problem. ^_^
# Apr 26 2005 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
The other day I did this as a 17rdm together with a 16war partner and the Funguars were no problem. Even killed a few Bats in the caves too. Using an ordinary bronze sword doesn't work, Ruillont will tell you "That's not my sword." So you can't just bring one from the weapons dealer or AH, you have to go all the way back up to Galaihaurat who's near the main road in La Theine to get Ruillont's sword. The one that gave me the certificate was Vicorpasse, but someone else said that it was Deaufrain, so this might change. Check all of the npc's on the way out.

Edited, Tue Apr 26 07:03:43 2005
RE: No Problem. ^_^
# Aug 29 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Excellent
597 posts
I just helped my wife do this. For what it's worth, she also got it from Vicorpasse.

Rate up!
but see... that's what I'm talking about! Now Venture will send Sampson after the rest of us and he'll go totally sickhouse on our ********

...and I like my ***** gentlemen.
made but a friend died
# Apr 14 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I went a friend who is a 15 pld/whm I was a 13rdm, we made it in, fungars got him going back out to get the sword but i had enough cure to help him not die.. We went in again to give the sword to the guy an got aggro by 3 fungars right at npc I needed to talk to , he ran off with the 3 fungars as I talked to the npc but he died before he could zone. Bummer.. but its done..
found him
# Mar 22 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Galaiaurat (E-6) HOLY CRAP HES NO WHERE NERE THE CRAG but thats who i got it from
found him
# Mar 22 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Galaiaurat (E-6) HOLY CRAP HES NO WHERE NERE THE CRAG but thats who i got it from
Success @ level 13
# Feb 18 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
I went as a lvl 13 Galkan MNK and had no trouble. There are only 3 funguar spawn spots that I've seen, and they're easily avoidable by walking near the walls of the crevice. The bats inside the entrance to Ordelle's Caves do not aggro, so once you've reached the end of the tunnel, hang a left and walk to the back wall of the water puddle (the other NPC in the room, straight ahead from the tunnel, is for Eco-Warrior). Ruillont is hiding there behind a rock and wants his sword back from one of the other knights. I had to go to the knight at the top of the crevice by the ramp to get it--and it's only a Bronze Sword. I don't know if bringing a Bronze Sword with you would eliminate the need to run through the crevice again or not. Once you've traded the sword to Ruillont, talk to his captain Vicorpasse and receive your rescue training certificate. Then just head back to town and speak with a mission guard.
What lvl...
# Feb 10 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
So I read 15 is a good lvl to try this at, does that seem accurate? Just wondering what lvl's people where at when they completed it. I haven't even attempted it but I'm a lvl 12 THF so I think I may be too weak to try it out.
RE: What lvl...
# Feb 14 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Level 15 is too weak for this mission... Only because of the Fungars in the crevace... So wait till lvl 20+ or ask some help to a friend.

Taliesin : http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?87600
RE: What lvl...
# Apr 19 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Not at all.
I believe I did this mission at or around Lv15 and had no problem.

Just don't go too deep into Ordelle's and you'll have no problem.

The Funguars aren't really tougher than anything else in La Theine. So, if you can run around La Theine and take a hit or two, you'll be fine doing this mission solo.
Very confusing info
# Feb 08 2005 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, after reading the posts here, and becoming very confused, heres the deal. Go to the ravine, at (F-6) talk to that guard. Head down the slope. Talk to each guard on the way. When you get to the end, go into the cave, turn left at first chance, and as said earlier, he will be behind a rock in the corner. Talk to him, then leave the cave. The guard with the sword IS random, so talk to every guard on the way up and out, and if no go, then talk to guards outside of the ravine as well. I suggest having help if you are under level 20.
Starting the quest???
# Feb 03 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
I can't even start this mission. I’ve completed every mission before this Smash the Orcish scouts, bat hunt, and save the children. However when I talk to a gate guard there is a cut scene but he just tells me to accept a mission, then it gives me a list of the mission that I already did. I tried trading him crystals—didn’t work. Would I have to do the missions over again? Other then that I’m out of ideas. Anyone know what might be the matter?
RE: Starting the quest???
# Feb 04 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
Trade about 6 stacks of crystals "earth chepest" to the guy u get sigent from. crystals = rank points and then when rank points full u get conquest points for crystals
RE: easy
# Jan 10 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent! I didn't notice the little ledges. I think I'm going to head up and give it another try, as I got pwned pretty hard by the Funguars the first time I tried. :) Thanks for the info
Guide is foggy?
# Jan 09 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Talk to him, and the Reader's Digest of his speech is that he was trapped there by monsters and needed his sword to get out. If only we could grab his sword and give it to him. Here's the beauty of it--never once does he mention his friend's name. God, I love this game.

Uhm. That's cos it's random? lol
RE: Guide is foggy?
# Jan 17 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
That's funny, because every single person I've talked to regarding this mission has gotten it from Galaraihut, or however you spell his name. Maybe I'm just not talking to the right people, then. >shrug< I'm not saying it isn't random, but if you've never done the mission before, you wouldn't really expect the guy's sword to be with a RK that's not even in the stupid ravine. Nowhere in the guide does it mention the possibility that it might be somewhere else than the ravine. It's just...bothersome, that's all.
RE: Guide is foggy?
# Sep 19 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
God i hated that book. I was bumped up a level in english after freshman year, so I had to read the damn thing twice. ::sigh::
A New Guide
# Dec 31 2004 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
84 posts
I hate to say this, but this mission guide is absolutely atrocious. Therefore, I've taken the liberty of providing one that you may or may not use as future reference. (Mind you, it's been a while since I've done this mission, so a few small details I'm a little foggy on, but I'm quite sure the basics are accurate.)

Start off in San d'Oria. If you're unable to get this mission, then take the opportunity to donate some crystals to the Temple Knight nearest to you. Now that that's finished, speak to the gatehouse guard (personally, I always spoke to Endracion at F-9 in South Sandy), and he'll tell you that there's a faux rescue mission in La Theine that he wants you to participate in. (I'm not certain if he says to bring back proof, but the 'bring back proof' thing's a pre-requisite for pretty much every misson and quest in this game, so always bear that in mind.)

Mission's received. Now, I'd like to take a moment to remind you that even though it says Lvl 8 minimum in the requirements, please note that minimum does not equal recommended. The Poison Fungars at the bottom are positively lethal at lower levels--they do aggro, and they do link, and they will slaughter anyone below a level, say, 15 or so. Therefore, before you even step foot into the ravine, I suggest you either gather a well-armed and well-prepared full party or, more simply, get a higher level to act as a path-clearer. If you try to brave the ravine alone, without any kind of counter-measures like Sneak, Invisible, and/or Deoderize, you will die, and quickly. Just a friendly warning.

Head to La Theine, and go to the first ravine on the righthand side, F-6 and F-7 respectively. Speak to Equesobillot nearby the ramp to go into the ravine, and then proceed down. Once reaching the bottom, head south, minding the Poison Fungars very carefully, and speak to all the other guards along the way, of which there are five--most notably the captain, Deaufrain. You reach the entrance to Ordelles, talk to Narvecaint, and he'll mention that maybe he went in the cave.

Ordelle's Caves, and the fun part begins. Go inside, walk to the first opening, then turn left. Walk through the little pond and check to see a soldier named Rulliont crouched behind a rock. Talk to him, and the Reader's Digest of his speech is that he was trapped there by monsters and needed his sword to get out. If only we could grab his sword and give it to him. Here's the beauty of it--never once does he mention his friend's name. God, I love this game.

Anyway, I'm not certain if this changes for everyone, but you might as well try and talk to everyone again, regardless, just to make sure they don't have the sword. If they don't, then talk to Galaihaurat in E-6, at the mid-bottom:
|  ||   | 
|  ||   | 
|  ||   | 
  ^ ^ Galaihaurat 

(A little text mappage to help give you an idea of where he is. It took me ages to find him.)

He'll say something along the lines of, "Oh yeah, he gave me his sword, here you go," and you're off to head back down into the Ravine of Death and give him the sword back. You re-enter Ordelles, give Rulliont the sword, and he'll thank you and shoo you away. Exit, go to the captain Deaufrain and speak with him one last time. He'll compliment the knight, and then he'll give you some Key Item and send you back to Sandy. Glady oblidge, and scurry the hell back to safer territory.

San d'Oria. Speak with the gatehouse guard. He'll mention something about real situations being better than any training exercize, and bam, Rank 2-2. There you have it. One handy-dandy guide that actually tells you what to do and where to go. Gasp and shock. :)

Edited, Fri Dec 31 19:23:16 2004
where is it located
# Dec 09 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
I tried looking for it as Lvl 19 Whm and can't find it, i did eco-warrior but i forgot where it is. I'm getting no party :(

I haven't been playing lately so which location?

RE: where is it located
# Dec 13 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
sorry wrong button^_^ didnt mean to do 3
RE: where is it located
# Dec 13 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
I will gladly party with you my name is Blakrose I'll be on soon send me a tell if you want to do the mission[Gold][/Gold]
RE: where is it located
# Dec 13 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
I will gladly party with you my name is Blakrose I'll be on soon send me a tell if you want to do the mission
RE: where is it located
# Dec 13 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Dec 13 20:54:39 2004
My Story
# Nov 28 2004 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I was on my way to this when I saw a battering ram. So I hopped off my bird and killed my first one. :) (25 blm/whm) I asked around for the entry to Ordelle Cves, and a guy told me some coordinates, so I went there afte finding the garrison, and found the caves. I died twice running from the WRONG END of the caves.. I finally switched to 23whm/blm and used sneak/deodorize to avoid the stupid hognose bats... Although I ended up training about 10 gobs to the zone, I got tot he right zone and kicked myself when I saw it was in teh same canyon as the garrison..
zoned back in, talked to the guy, went back out, talked to teh garrison, went back in, gave him the sword, and i'm now on my way back to sandy.. If I'd known where the proper entry was, i'd stayed on my blm and waroped.. o.0

An allternative to giving awy crystals is to do the save the children quest again.. I used waterga and a blizard and cleared it in 53 seconds.. The record on my server (Lakshmi is 23 seconds..)

Dont' be misguided, you don't have to go down a ravine north of the crag... stay in the ravine with teh garrison.. :P
Bronze Sword
# Nov 15 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, it will work if you just buy a bronze sword as that's all the quest item is.
RE: Bronze Sword
# Dec 26 2004 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
he won't take bronze sword. i tried that.
I bought Bronze Sword from sandy and went to Ordelles Caves and then to that guy who misses his sword. i tryed to trade bronze sword to him but he said that, it isn't his sword... i can't have that sword from any of those guards either.

RE: Bronze Sword
# Dec 26 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
he won't take bronze sword. i tried that.
I bought Bronze Sword from sandy and went to Ordelles Caves and then to that guy who misses his sword. i tryed to trade bronze sword to him but he said that, it isn't his sword... i can't have that sword from any of those guards either.

RE: Bronze Sword
# Dec 26 2004 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
he won't take bronze sword. i tried that.
I bought Bronze Sword from sandy and went to Ordelles Caves and then to that guy who misses his sword. i tryed to trade bronze sword to him but he said that, it isn't his sword... i can't have that sword from any of those guards either.

stupid sword
# Nov 14 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
I believe it's random. I did this mission with a friend (we both just changed allegience to sandoria), he got the sword, which is a normal "Bronze sword" from an NPC starting with D, I talk to that same NPC and didn't get sword. I also spoke to every NPC in that around (in and around the crack), still no sword...

I'm tempted to AH and just buy a Bronze sword, trade to him see what happens.
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