if you're trying to farm these for utsusemi ichi you don't need 250, you need 165, 1 rusty subligar, and 1 rusty leggings, trade the 165 necklaces, go to norg, you wont have enough fame to get utsusemi: Ichi yet, talk to the 2 quest guys for tonko and kuryami, trade the subligar and leggings to complete quest, if for some reason talk to the person for jubaku ichi and do that quest then you'll def. have enough fame.
I myself have gotten 84 necklaces and i have gotten riceballs to 161, i take it max to get the uts quest is about 200 for me...but its different for everybody first you have to look at the fact what nation you are then look at the fact of how many quest you have done..then add it all up..
right now im at 84 necklaces turned in and rice balls are at 161. a couple more rounds and i should be able to do tonko Ichi quest, so there ya go.
I've gotten norg fame on 8 mules just to get the utsu scroll. First mule went to norg with 200 turned in and couldn't get the quest. Because of that I did 250 with the rest of the 8 mules and all could get it. My mules were from all three starter nations and only the bastok ones did any other norg quests and that was a single turn in of the zinc ore.
Don't lie to people and say you need 400, my geuss is your trying to convince peopel it's easier to to buy the scroll why you get them with mules and sell them for profit.
(And yes, I bought all my mules airship passes and still made profit.)
I want to make it VERY clear that it takes FAR more than 200 necklaces to achieve enough norg fame for Utsusemei: Ichi. I farmed them over a year ago, and it took WELL over 400, now, I'm helping my gf farm them and am keeping an EXACT track of them, and the price of rice balls at neptunes spire to see where it stands. As of right now, she has turned in EXACTLY 224, and rice balls are STILL 161gil each! thats WAY off from the goal still, so this will EASILY take more than 400 necklaces. I dont know if something has been changed on the game for calculating fame for norg, but if it has, it has been in effect for a very logn time, since I came up with the same numbers over a year ago. Anyway, I want to say, those of you who say 200 ARE COMPLETELY FULL OF BS, and are going off of hear-say! Go help a friend, and keep count, and you will see EXACTLY what I'm talking about. As for how to attain this RIDICULOUSLY long goal, I suggest havign your inv maxed out (60 slots) and go with as much pace open as possible, bring a friend, and BOTH sub thf for TRH, and you will accomplish the goal much sooner, but I still say it is RIDICULOUS to get well over 400 of these turned in JUST to OPEN UP the quest. I know some things in a game like this SHOULD be challenging, but THIS IS A GAME, and it's number one priority is to be FUN for the players!!! And hunting 400+ necklaces is NOT fun, it's mindless, boring, and repetitive, and SE should be ashamed of themselves to make building norg fame such a sickening chore!
I want to make it VERY clear that it takes FAR more than 200 necklaces to achieve enough norg fame for Utsusemei: Ichi. I farmed them over a year ago, and it took WELL over 400, now, I'm helping my gf farm them and am keeping an EXACT track of them, and the price of rice balls at neptunes spire to see where it stands. As of right now, she has turned in EXACTLY 224, and rice balls are STILL 161gil each! thats WAY off from the goal still, so this will EASILY take more than 400 necklaces. I dont know if something has been changed on the game for calculating fame for norg, but if it has, it has been in effect for a very logn time, since I came up with the same numbers over a year ago. Anyway, I want to say, those of you who say 200 ARE COMPLETELY FULL OF BS, and are going off of hear-say! Go help a friend, and keep count, and you will see EXACTLY what I'm talking about. As for how to attain this RIDICULOUSLY long goal, I suggest havign your inv maxed out (60 slots) and go with as much pace open as possible, bring a friend, and BOTH sub thf for TRH, and you will accomplish the goal much sooner, but I still say it is RIDICULOUS to get well over 400 of these turned in JUST to OPEN UP the quest. I know some things in a game like this SHOULD be challenging, but THIS IS A GAME, and it's number one priority is to be FUN for the players!!! And hunting 400+ necklaces is NOT fun, it's mindless, boring, and repetitive, and SE should be ashamed of themselves to make building norg fame such a sickening chore!
This guy is not very observant. First off all I've farmed for norg fame for 8 mules to get the utsusemi scroll and none of them took more than 250 necklaces (2 extra, but it make keeping county easy). It's less than that but more than 200 as the first mule I tried only had 200 and he couldn't get the quest, so the real number is >200 and <250.
As to why the rice ball price isn't changing... it doesn't always work 100%. The tenshodo shop price is not fixed, it seems to fluxuate a bit. I don't know why but usually when I go in there my rice balls are around 157, and I have level 9 fame in norg. Sometimes they are 159. I don't know or care why but for goodness sake don't go telling people they need 400 friggin necklaces to get that scroll, that's just plain not true.
This is BS. I farmed necklaces for norg fame so that I could get the scroll with 8 (YES EIGHT) level 1 mules. I took one mule to norg with 200 necklaces turned in and it wasn't quite enough. I took the rest to norg with 250 and it was enough. The poster above me probably did that selbina moss/cabbage quest which lowers norg fame.
...Yagudo Piper casts Knights Minne...-mumble- -mumble- Armann obtains a circlet..what -shakes- oh it was just a dream...
still traumatized by farming these as you can see but great way to get Norg fame. I farmed these for hours and hours as a 59 WHM, subbed blm and set HP in windy, went naked and just with staff. First started rounding them up and AoEing them but that's no good, best way is to attack solo. Also nice to help people with their Giddeus key for their Kahzam quest while your there in exchange for the yag necks. anyways finally got Leviathan quest so I can get Fenrir and got Tonko and Utsemi quests for some money for Raise II and Reraise II. yep thats my experience, Good luck, also if you turn them in for Norg fame do them 4 at a time.
I'm popping my posting cherry Yeah! What do you use these necklaces for at the moment im happily selling them for 1000g a peice but i know someone else is doing something cooler with them or they wouldn't be buying them. any help please i'm a total noob at this game.
i am trying to get norg fame so i can quest Utsusemi. So i started with the zinc ore and i have bought all of them lol. I was wondering who and where do you do the yugado necklace quest for the norg fame.
Nanna Mihgo the mithra located at J-3 in windy woods. She will accept 4-8 necklaces at a time, however the reward is 200g reguardless of how many you turn in. I recommend turning them in 4 at a time only. Told it requires a total of 216 neck for fame for nin scroll in norg. On fenrir these normally go for 200-500 in AH but I have seen them go for 700-1200 in the past. Mihgo also may have a quest for you if you speak with her. (also does thf AF i think) If she gives you a quest with a rock to appraise DO NOT SELL IT TO THE NPC, I did and i still have the quest open and am looking for more answers to how to complete it. Rate Me ^^
Talk to the guy that is behind the building where you do the Cardian type quests. He will tell you he lost this very valuable stone. Get a few pickaxes and head to Palborough mines and find the mythril seams.... mine there until you get this rock in return. Go .. give it to him. Your done
u get the mithra on the VARRY top of windy woods. i believe u turn in 1 necklace then u can just keep turning them in to her 4 at a time. i believer here name is .....something migo.
well u cant miss her shes standing next to a desk alone thinking about somthing.
in Kujata these sell for @200ea. They're non-stackable, and NIN questseem to be the only non-synthesis thing they're good for. But, if you farm these w/ signet to get wind crystals, you could synth these w/ the crystals. each thread sells for 100g ea., but you always get at least 3. 12necklacesx12crystals=36 threads at least. thats a total of 3.6k profit.
I am trying to raise my Norg fame for obvious reasons and was in Bastok getting Tenshodo Invite done and decided to do some zinc ore to start on my fame. 31/15 War/thf for TH and I equipped as much of my Rng ranged acc and ranged att gear grabbed a flame boomerang and was one-hitting every stoneeater I could find. Did zinc quest about 10x. Then got bored and headed to Windy - went to Giddeus and did the same thing. Was one-hitting Yags with the boomerang and filled my inventory with necklaces (28 I believe) 3 times in about 2 hours. I also hade 1 stack of silver beastcoins and 2 stacks of beastcoins. Going to do another 2 trips to Giddeus tonight and head to Norg. Really hasnt taken me as long as I thought it would and I am making some cash. Foofighter Quetzalcoatl
You can measure how many times u need to do the quest in order to Get Tonko in Lower Jeuno, in the Neptunes Inn by the AH behind the counter theirs a NPC that sells rice ball if the rice balls are 153Gil that means you can do Tonko and right after you do Tonko Uts will Unlock itself. I also discorvered that for every 7 times you do the quest the price goes down by 4, so u would need 7x4 Yagudo Necklaces to make it go down by 4.
It takes more than 200. I farmed up 200 necklaces exactly and sent them to my mule. Got Kazham keys and headed down to Norg with oils/powders. I had enough fame to unlock Tonko, Kurayami, and Dokumori, but not Utsusemi. Even after doing those three, still not enough fame.
I would recommend this for beginning Clothcraft. Go to Windurst, stock up on wind crystals, and fight Yagudos right outside for these. Every time you get one, make it into grass thread with wind crystal becasue these don't stack. Once you get the grass threads, you can either collect 12 and sell at AH or make Grass Cloth with 3 grass threads for even more clothcraft levels.
my advice is use this alot, dont buy any grass threads.. if you lucky you can get an bonus.. each time u craft it, you get 3, sometimes, you can get 6 9 or 12.. recent i got 6 from the yaguda bead necklace..