This uniquely shaped blade originated from Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). It is not used for slashing or thrusting. Instead, the wielder attacks his opponents by hooking their vital area.
i just bought one on ramho for 100k and its so cool looking lol this is only reson i got it beecase lvl 43 sword i forget name of is much better moe demg lss delya acc and attakc bonus
so ya, this post was just to show that there are axes out there at an even lower level that are IMO a better and definitely more viable option, even 2 viking axes are a fraction of the price of one of these shotel.
there is also:
Razor Axe (lvl:40) Dmg: 31 Dly: 276 STR: 2 DEX: 2
both of these options have a lower delay with higher damage, albeit not too much higher.
I've got one of these on Gilgamesh. This is actually a pretty nice sword for a WAR/NIN. These are high damage for their level, and if I assume correctly, they have a higher damage rating than most of the axes available at that level. I just wear it on my THF to look cool, though. =3
It's for sale if someone would like to make an offer. I got it for 900k, but I'll probably drop my price all the way down to 400k. I need money to lvl RDM. -_-;
Posted:Jun 14 2005 at 7:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Kakusaijin - No Offence YOu Need To Get a Live Dude Seriouly. All I see u Do is post and post. Man Please Find Something Else to Do in Life.
This weapon looks like the Harpe.... the high lvl dagger... going for 1mil on Ifrit.... when i get nin to lvl 25 im getting 2 of these for my war.... i hope price lowers alot by then..
*Le sigh* i want one of these soooo so bad but 3 ever sold @ 1million!? (Hades server) surely people are buyinh these items to look good? the stats aint THAT great. i want one bad but to pay 1 million just for how it looks.... no thanks.
*Le sigh* i want one of these soooo so bad but 3 ever sold @ 1million!? (Hades server) surely people are buyinh these items to look good? the stats aint THAT great. i want one bad but to pay 1 million just for how it looks.... no thanks.
I got the recipe for this from Wulfnoth at the Goldsmithing Guild at 68. That's the medium-risk/medium-skillup NPC. I therefore assume the Goldsmithing cap for this item to be somewhere around 70. The other caps I'm not sure about yet.
Seeing this is made with Silver. I'm gonna take a rough estmate You'll need at least Lv.30+ Goldsmithing. Smithing I have no clue. But prolly a fairly low Bonecraft is needed if all.
i seen one of these on ah with no price history befor it was even on here checked a couple days later it wsa gone but no price history guess no one wanted it.. wonder how much its going to go for i want it lol it looks bad ***