I made these until i got to about skill level 11 or 12, because you can make Linen Thread until it caps at 16 for skill. Linen Thread is extremely cheap to make, I bought it so much from the Guild the price went up drasticly, so i had to wait a bit for it to go down. Plus it sells very nice too, 8k at the AH on the Asura Server. I would suggest that you hold onto these until you can make Linen Cloth (caps at skill level 22) But, you can also make Yagudo Fletchings that cap at skill level 22 aswell. The choice is yours to sell the thread and move onto Fletchings or keep the thread and use it for cloth. fyi, im not high enough in skill to move on yet, I'm leveling up fast so ill post more when i get the chance. I hope this came in use to you all that are following my little guide here ^^