The Eldieme Necropolis  

Type: Dungeon
Region: Norvallen
Min Level: 35
Max Level: 60
Connected Areas:Batallia Downs
Quests for The Eldieme Necropolis
Mobs found in The Eldieme Necropolis
Items found in The Eldieme Necropolis

Zone TypeDungeon
Level Range35 to 60
Entry Requirementnone
EscapeBatallia Downs
Fellowship NPCYes
Final Fantasy XI


The ancient Elvaan built these burial mounds, also known as the Coveffe Barrows, in an attempt to bring themselves closer to the Goddess Altana in death. Within the San d'Orian Church, to spend one's final days on Vana'diel within these tombs was often considered the greatest blessing before departing to the afterlife. This resulted in a wave of followers traveling to the barrows and constructing the underground necropolis that remains there to this day. However, during the Great War, these catacombs were also the sites of fierce battles that left thousands dead or injured. The spirits of these lost souls still roam the tombs below...

Points of Interest


The Map of the Eldieme Necropolis can be purchased for 3,000 gil from Promurouve in Lower Jeuno or Rusese in Upper Jeuno.

Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4

Treasure Chests

Treasure Coffers

Quest Items

Treasure Items

Screenshots from The Eldieme Necropolis:

This page last modified 2009-12-12 16:37:35.

Updated: Mon Sep 21 15:05:21 2009

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Post Comment
# Oct 07 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know how to get to A on the first map? And which switch opens Odin's Gate? I've been trying to fin this coffer for a week for my af :(
Strange Apparatus
# Nov 11 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
My guess is you looked at the first map above and fell down on Point C and you ended up at C on the second map and went south and hit a dead end at the cliff, right?

What you need to do is go to point D on the first map. WAIT!!! Don't fall down yet!! DO NOT FALL DOWN THE CENTER BONE PILE (invisible hole) AT POINT D!! If you do you will end up at point D on the second map in a dead end corner which will only allow you to move to the third map which is where you do not want to go.

Once you get to Point D on the first map you want to fall down the NORTH bone pile (not the center one). That will have you appear on the second map slightly above Point D. Now you just run around the corner and head south to that dead end. The west wall is an illusion!! You can run through that wall and there you go...Strange Apparatus. ^^
# Jul 26 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
I can't find how to get to this strange apparatus! NO map that I've been on shows exactly how to get to that corridor! Does anyone know? Does it have something to do with the tallow candle?
Strange Apparatus
# Nov 11 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
My guess is you looked at the first map above and fell down on Point C and you ended up at C on the second map and went south and hit a dead end at the cliff, right?

What you need to do is go to point D on the first map. WAIT!!! Don't fall down yet!! DO NOT FALL DOWN THE CENTER BONE PILE (invisible hole) AT POINT D!! If you do you will end up at point D on the second map in a dead end corner which will only allow you to move to the third map which is where you do not want to go.

Once you get to Point D on the first map you want to fall down the NORTH bone pile (not the center one). That will have you appear on the second map slightly above Point D. Now you just run around the corner and head south to that dead end. The west wall is an illusion!! You can run through that wall and there you go...Strange Apparatus. ^^
Strange Apparatus
# Nov 05 2008 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you i found this post very helpful. I had been looking at the map and dropping down at point D. Thank you for pointing out the drop-down just above where D is that lands you on the other side of the wall. This should be marked on the map as a separate drop from D, as this and D do not land you at the same area.

-Shiz, Fairy Server
Map help
# Jul 23 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Here is a site that has been really helpful to me. Has maps, quests, and other helpful info.
Coffer spawns in the eldeime
# Jun 19 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default

Coffer spawns in the eldeime
# Jun 19 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default

Coffer Keys
# Jun 06 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know what mobs drop the coffer keys?
# Mar 22 2006 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
i really really really hate this place
Beaucedine Glacier Entrance?
# Sep 23 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I heard the coffer chest pops there more often, I have the map and I know how to get there, is there any safe area I can stand in so I won't get an aggro by anything so I can wait, I got murdered by a Skull of Wraith after standing next to the candle for awhile... so where should I stand to get no aggro and wait for the chest to pop, thanks!
Coffer chest
# Sep 15 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
does anyone know, when coffer chest pop?
very helpful post Viperdl
# Aug 17 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
tys for the post Viperdl, gonna help me on my pld af2
exp pt?
# Aug 13 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
I remember having an exp pt here but I forgot what lvl I was when I did it. It was one of the best exp pts I ever had. We were fighting Gazers and getting dark crystals like crazy. By the time the pt ended I had 4 stacks of dark crystals. If anyone knows what lvl would be ok to get exp here please let me know^^

Thanks in advance^^
# Jul 16 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default
man, sometimes this game just gets to me. It is so completely about teamwork and because of that you need to do your job right. If you mess up, that means someone else (me) has to pay the consequences for your unsatisfactory playing. I was in here helping some noobs get their papyrus and let's just say it was a disaster in particular the WHM was a complete tard who never cast Protect ONCE on us even though i kept asking for it. Even though a high lvl is helping you please play your job, ok? Oh, and don't voke mobs and run in front of every skeleton in the whole place and just stay put at the camp thanks bunches you noobs. I'm really wondering if I should even bother helping these people anymore since I have to pay for their mistakes.

Here is some advice for those players who don't want to be level 50 forever:

1. Follow instructions
2. Do NOT wander around randomly - I even put this in caps so my noobs would see it. Did they stay put at the camp? Nooooo they wandered in the door, the door closes, trouble ensues, they act like noobs, they are noobs.
3. Actually play your job (go figure huh) - The White Mage did absolutely NOTHING. They grudgingly handed out a cure after being slapped 5 times over. And no protect. If you want your quest item, I'm sorry, there are NO freebees you will have to play your job.
4. Actually use your two hour ability when you are supposed to - neither of the noob melee jobs did this when they should've. As Bill Cosby says when describing "these brain damaged people" they were like "I don't knowwwwww"

Take Care I'm only helping my LS from now on ^^

edit : I just helped a person, not in my LinkShell get their quest item today. They were not a noob and so they got their item. Go figure ^^

Edited, Wed Jul 20 01:47:06 2005
How to Navigate this Map
# Jul 14 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I had to translate this manually to figure out where the coffers were. This map doesn't show the coffer locations. The RED NUMBERS what are Circled mark Treasure Chest Locations, as well as the Locations where Doors can block your way. The Switches all over the upstairs area work in a 2-fold manner.. flip it once and Half the doors open, and the other half close. Switch the switch again, and the reverse happens. The Easiest switch you get to is located in H-8 behind the Gravestone. An Azer roams this area, and unlike the Undead who sence by Hearing, The Azer senses by Sight and Magic. If you're a Lv 52, it'll con DC, but it's Explosion is still deathly potent. Anyways, The First 3 coffer locations are in the large rooms to the North, West, and South, marked each as B, C, and D. All the LETTERS in those areas mark where you can zone into other parts of the map. If you are upstairs, you'll see sandy areas in these large rooms.. These are illusions, and you will fall in them. A from upstairs leads to A Downstairs, and the rest falls the same to each other letter. Hope this helps a little
RE: How to Navigate this Map
# Mar 22 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
the red circled numbers are not chest locations.
they are torches for the "save my sister" quest
the numbers are the order in which you light the lantern after doing the quest i read this post, and laughed
RE: How to Navigate this Map
# Mar 22 2006 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Mar 21 23:25:07 2006
# Jun 15 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
how do you open all these gates? i'm so lost in this place
Eld Dungeon
# May 29 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone help me? I want to know how i get around in the Dungeon there are sections which are cut off ><;; I would be happy if someone could tell me I am looking for my treasure coffer.
Mea Scroll
# May 22 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I can't understand Japanese LOL And i know there are 4 spots where the candle thing spawns for this quest yet... I can't read the map to figure out which those are X.X;; Help Me out!
RE: Mea Scroll
# Jun 01 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I'm gonna have to assume that they're where the red numbers are, but that's just me...
please help ;;
# May 13 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
-_-;; been coffer hunting for 5 days now and no luck ive checked all spots but 2 which i dont know how to get to... im on bismarck and i would really appreciate if someone would gimme some tips or even help me get the coffer i want my AF gloves so bad if anybody has some info on how to get the the center area on the lower map and the L-12 spawn point please tell me ; ; those are the only places i havent check and i am currently camping at the beaudicine glacier side
RE: please help ;;
# May 18 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
You can use this map:


There are 4 on the top floor when entering closest to Jeuno. Two of these spots you'll need invis/tonko for the Azer's. Otherwise, sneak throughout.

4 are on the send floor. 2 are by the Hume bones (M-11 & M-10) area - rooms with Dark Stalkers. One is located at L-11 on the second floor map above (drop through G-9 on the first floor to reach this spot). Finally, the hardest one is located at E-6 by the Skull of Wrath NM - which can only be reached through Beaucedine Glacier.

Good luck.
# May 03 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
639 posts
This place sucks. It's so dark and stuff. I got a coffer key on my first kill as well, but have been looking for the actual coffer for 3 and a half hours and no luck. Damn you, Eldieme Necropolis!
RE: >:/
# Aug 13 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
What i did was just camp one spot where the coffer chest popped. It might take awhile but if you get lucky it might just be a few min. Just watch out for aggro.

Hope this helps^^
coffer key
# Apr 28 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
can someone please tell me were the coffer spawns in the balita downs part of eldeime necropolis? PLEASE???
# Apr 22 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
Can anyone post, what level you have to be in Eldieme, so you wont draw aggro?
Coffer Spawn points...
# Apr 06 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
For all of you wanting to know where the Coffers spawn, check out this link...
Eldieme Coffer/Chest map
RE: Coffer Spawn points...
# Feb 15 2006 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
awsome map, cool grafix, it wat i needed lol.

Compared to the map on this site, its a life saver.
RE: Coffer Spawn points...
# Dec 31 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
Thats i been looking for a good coffer map and yours it the best i seen /bow much love
Coffer Spawn points...
# Apr 17 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
EXCELENT finaly a map with coffers spawn in eldiem.

Edited, Mon Apr 18 00:58:44 2005 by undoneape
can't find any coffer chests >.<
# Mar 28 2005 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default
Can someone give me a possition for a coffer chest please? i've spent about 4 hours looking for one and i can't seem to find any ; ;
can't find any coffer chests >.<
# Mar 28 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
Can someone give me a possition for a coffer chest please? i've spent about 4 hours looking for one and i can't seem to find any ; ;
can't find any coffer chests >.<
# Mar 28 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
Can someone give me a possition for a coffer chest please? i've spent about 4 hours looking for one and i can't seem to find any ; ;
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