Journey Abroad  

Realm:San d'Oria
Start Area: Northern San d'Oria
Start NPC:Any Gate Guard
Related Areas:Balga's Dais
Palborough Mines
Windurst Walls
Related Mobs:Black Dragon
Grohm (H - 9)
Pius (J - 8)
Savae E Paleade (I - 9)
Uu Zhoumo (F - 7)
Mission:2 - 3
Min Level:18
Max Level:99
Grants Gil:3000
Reward:Rank 3
(Average from 54 ratings)
Items Required:Mine Gravel
Mythril Sand
Title Obtained:Certified Adventurer
This Mission is Not Skippable
Last Updated: Fri Mar 30 07:38:18 2012

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Mission Orders

Visit the faraway nations of Bastok and Federation of Windurst and receive official recognition as an adventurer.


The guard sends you to talk to Halver in Northern San d'Oria. He needs you to help out at Bastok and Federation of Windurst embassies. You can do this in any order.


If you chose to start in Bastok, go speak with Pius in the office of the President. If you have done Federation of Windurst first, you will need to speak to the San d'Orian Consulate Savae E Paleade before going to see Pius.

You will be sent to Palborough Mines to get some Mythril Sand. First, check the Auction House to see if there are any Mine Gravel for sale. If so, buy it. If not, talk to Grohm in Metalworks and he will give you three Pickaxes. Just in case, you should buy some extras. They are sold by Boytz in Bastok Mines or at the Auction House.

Note: You must talk to Grohm to get a cut scene to be able to complete this mission.

In Palborough Mines at (F-7, first floor), you will find the Mythril Seam. Use the Pickaxe on the Mythril Seam until you get a Mine Gravel. (obviously you can skip this if you bought the gravel)

Once you get the gravel, find the Refiner on the third floor at (I-7). Trade the Mine Gravel to the Refiner and the machine will begin to work. Head to the machine on the second floor and pull the lever. You should receive an oz. of Mythril Sand. You can take a shortcut back to Bastok by jumping into the boat on the third floor.

Trade the Mythril Sand to Savae E Paleade.

Next, it's off to Federation of Windurst!

Next head to the ambassador in Federation of Windurst. He sends you to a tower in Windurst Walls to get a key. Zone into Heaven's Tower and speak to Kupipi to get the key and head off to Giddeus. At this point, you will need a full group. You can buy a map of Giddeus in Windurst Woods.

When you get to Giddeus you want to go to a burning circle located at G-12 in the southwest corner. Get ready for battle. Head into the circle and a dragon will appear. You need to defeat the dragon. After you do it, report back to the ambassador and then back to the guard and you gain rank 3 and 3,000 Gil.

Federation of Windurst

If Federation of Windurst is first, then you need to take a shield offering to Uu Zhoumo, the Yagudo NPC guarding the treasure room in the lowest part of Giddeus, then you have to fight Zhuu Buxu the Silent and retrieve 2 Parana Shields and trade them to the San d'Orian consulate. They tell you to go to Bastok next where you will get tossed around to different people until you are told to go into the mines. Go with a party to the 3rd floor and head towards the burnt spot on the map, and you will zone into the next part where you will find the burning circle. Then kill the Black Dragon and see the cutscene, head back to the San d'Orian consul in Federation of Windurst, they will complete you for their part and you just need to head on home to complete the mission.

Note that this mission is given in all three kingdoms, so you can group with anyone and still complete it.

Update Notes

As of February 14th, 2011, there is no longer a level cap restriction on the mission battlefield.

To read the transcripts for this quest, see the Journey Abroad Spoilers page.

Mission Series

This mission is part of the San d'Oria nation mission series. The complete series includes:

This page last modified 2011-02-14 21:52:32.
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Post Comment
# Aug 01 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
486 posts
Did it with 24blm/12whm 21blm/10whm 24war/12thf 25whm/12blm

Easy as cake. The war tanked (even though he was wearing a yukata haha), whm did an awesome job. The blms spammed thunders and slept the dragon so we could kill the eye. It wasn't even close, I still had 80mp at the end, whm was at 1/2 mp or so. We had food too, I think that helped a lot.
easy fight
# Jul 30 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
man this was an easy boss fight, i expected better. me and 2 other LS mates fought the bastok dragon and raped it. we had:

whm/blm (me)

the redmage buffed us up, and i did too. we didnt have to use 2 hour skills in this fight at all. it took us 7 minutes, but the pld didnt even fall below yellow (and he only went into yellow about 4 times, but was quickly brought into white with a cure I). we slept the dragon, and while he slept the mages were resting for mp. takes a while, but it is a really easy fight when you have sleep.
you can buy it..
# Jul 29 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
By the way, if you don't want to mine it yourself you could just buy the mine gravel right from the AH, under alchemy.. goes for about 100-200 on my server. It can save you time and money. :P
Murphy's Law and <bt> macros
# Jul 21 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
This mission is very easy if you get a good party of at least 4 people. Yesterday we killed the Windy dragon; actually it was a massacre. We had 2 BLM, 1 NIN, 1 Melee (can't remember) and 2 WHM (I was one of them).

In the whole fight, I casted only 4 spells. The plan was: the BLM would put the dragon to sleep while we killed Seeker. So I decided to enfeeble Seeker and casted Slow (really, the NIN tank did not need any cures). Hahaha. My macro for Sleep (and all other damage-inflicting or enfeebling ones) is like this:

/ma Sleep <bt>

You of course know Murphy's Law: if something has a probability of ******** up, it will do. As there were 2 active enemies, the macro got confused and I panicked as I saw my Sleep spell being casted in the dragon!!!

However this was not a problem in my party because, when I did that, at the same moment, Seeker died ^^. Then we moved on to the dragon and killed it with lots and lots of massive-damage spells.

So, beware: if your macros are like mine, do NOT use them in this burning circle fight.
# Jul 16 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Actually completed this with a group of 3... Was close but we pulled it off without any buffs~


We all ran in and and attacked Seeker~ Dragon was on warrior from behind ~ Seeker went down relatively quickly after a Sneak Attack and such ~ Turned onto Dragon, WAR keeps aggro and uses 2hr ~ I continue to Sneak attack when possible and WHM keeps WAR alive =) WAR uses 2hr when dragon is about half down, WHM is low on MP and war is getting hit hard.. THF provokes and uses 2hr and holds aggro for next 30 seconds, WAR provokes back when Perfect Dodge goes down and pull out the kill with around 150hp each and 0 mp from the WHM..

Just to show it can be done with a small competent party not consisting of dragoons ^^
I screwed up...
# Jul 14 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
573 posts
I tried the dragon fight with a pt of of 18-23 strangers and got wasted.

Later I went in with some ls members who had all done the fight long ago. We took it out with no problem.

Except for one small issue.... After killing the dragon I went back to Sandy without talking to the ambassador in Windy again. So now I have to walk or ride all the way back. Sigh... oh well.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 01 2004 at 9:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) jaggon
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 01 2004 at 9:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hi
# Jul 01 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
770 posts
Is there a lvl cap on the dragon?
RE: Cap?
# Jul 01 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
yep, level 25 is the cap.
Letter Question
# Jun 29 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
Ok you get a letter fot Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille right? Then you give the letter to the San d'Orian Consulate in Bastok.
Well the prblem is that i dont have the letter and i have already talked to Halver along time ago i can't remember but i think i Dced right at the end and maby i did not get the letter. but i have gone back to Chateau and can not talk to him and get the letter.

Is there a way around the letter or is it a must? If so how can i get it again?
Please help.

Server: Fairy
Getting the Mission
# Jun 27 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
If you cant get the guard to give you the mission then give 12 earth crystals to the guard that gives you signet.
# Jun 22 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
i need help with one thing please.

ive got 2 shields by buxu man.. and when im gonna return it to the man in the sandoria counsul in windurst he dont accept em.. but something says on my Quest list that im gonna go get a shield by someon from Heavens Tower in Windurst.. but i dont findout who.. can someone tell me who im gonna speak to?

Imilda "Odin"
Weird problem
# Jun 21 2004 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
Here's a strange one, I made it as far as killing the dragon in windurst with a group of 6. I got the key item "Kindred Crest", talked to the ambassador and the consulte, and I made the long trip home. I get back, and Halver tells me to come back when I'm done. Did I forget a step? Please help!
RE: Weird problem
# Sep 11 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
I've got the same problem - did you find a solution?
Journey Abroad
# Jun 07 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
I found this mission not this hard. i went to windurst first and i was level 20 when i tried it. it was easy killing the NM Zhuu Buxu The Silent but he only spawns every 15 minutes. AND DONT LET OTHER PEOPLE GET HIM BEFORE U DO! IT SUX! cause u have to get 2 shields. Palborough mines sux unless u have a map. the dragon was not hard at all. i was in a party of 5 with everyone else level 20-25. just kill the seeker first otherwise it can heal the dragon (oh yeah... we only had to use the WHM 2hr).it takes a lot of patience so dont get pissed if it takes a long time.

world: Ramuh
WAR:23 WHM:11 BLM:6
P.S i dont mind any donations for gil ;)

Edited, Mon Jun 7 21:32:17 2004
do i have to be lvl 18
# Jun 07 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
Ok slay me for still being a major nub...but I started this mission with my lvl 13 whm with a pt of only a war lvl12 and a lvl 30 blm to do blasting on more then one baddy that attacked us..he wasnt in pt..just a tagalong lol. anyway, I got the shields in windurst (which is the first stop on my journey) and when we got into the treasure chamber we gave the shields to the NP and waited for the NT but it never showed up .. we walked around and talked to the other NP in behind the doors but nothing ever came of it...my question is do i have to be lvl 18 for it to show up.?
where is the machine?
# May 30 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
what map grid is the machine in Palborough mines level 2?
RE: where is the machine?
# Sep 08 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure the grid 3 but it is in the very middle of level 2, near the entrance to the stone Quadav's area. Now when this says ” you can go downstairs… this is misleading, because what they really mean, is” JUMP/walk/fall “down from the left side of the machine, over the cliff where the railing is missing.” Don’t try running around to find out how to get downstairs, just jump off the thing.
# May 27 2004 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
heres a good stratigy
3mnks + 2h +focus/tank,whm=quick win

beat him in under 3min
LVL cap
# May 23 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
it says the lvl cap is 75...is that wrong?
Need help
# May 20 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I really need help on this, I have been trying to find a PT for last 2 weeks to take on the Windhurst Dragon, but it has been a nogo. If you are interested in helping me out here, contact Slair on the Midgardsormr server... Come on folks give me a shout and help me out.... Thanks

Server: Midgardsormr
need prty to kill black dragon
# May 18 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
hey I'm at windhurst right now waiting to gain a party, I'll be on in the moring all week on server : Leviathan

problem with that is most of the ppl in the morning are japanese...so if anyone needs to party to kill the dragon please reply to this.
# May 17 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ummm, I'm level 20, done the davoi report, and when I spoke with the guards, the only choice I get is to rerun some mission.
# May 17 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Is it really true that you need a full party to do this? Right now I have 3 other friends that still need this. Do you think we could pull this off with the following party of 4:

25WHM/12BLM (could be BLM/WHM)

RE: full?
# May 17 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
Hey if you haven't done this yet and see me online I need this mission now also.
# May 16 2004 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, whenever I expect things to be hard, they're not, and vice verse... I got a group together of people who needed to do this quest, we had:
25 BLM/ 12 WHM (I switched to this from BLM/RDM so I could Cure II if needed.)
25 BRD/ 12 WHM
25 WHM/ 12 BLM
25 DRG/ 12 THF
22 MNK/ 11 THF
We also had a Sam/War, but she had to go right before we got there due to connection issues. I was ready to get myself killed by the dragon since we had no voker. I figured as soon as sleep wore off, i'd be a dead duck (my apologies to any ducks out there), and quickly following would be the whm and bard who neither had any equip due to level cap. We got in there, i started off by ElemSeal + Sleeping the dragon, and everyone rushed in to attack the Seeker, but I, being paranoid about not wanting to get myself killed, proceeded to debuff the dragon with all the non-damaging debuffs i had, such as Blind, Paralyze, and the like. Seeker was dead by the time i was done with that, and everyone turned on the dragon and broke sleep. Dragon hit me 2 times, for about 40 each (can't remember the damage for sure). Then started attacking the Dragoon. Between Monk's 100 Fists, Dragoon's Dragon Killer, and me nuking it, it died fairly quickly, and we got out with a time of 3 minutes and 30-odd seconds. Ironically, the Dragoon's Wyvern got the kill hit, but that's irrelevant. Just goes to show you, being paranoid.....is stressful. =D

Edited, Sun May 16 04:02:28 2004
Having problems
# May 15 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Uuummm i'm having problems starting this mission. I've finished all the missions before this one, including Davoi report but the gate guard won't give me the option to do the mission. All 5 missions before this one are completed in my mission log book and im a level 25 mnk / war . Ne one have any idea why i can't start the mission?
RE: Having problems
# May 17 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
I'm not sure but it is probably a fame or rank point issue. I didn't have the mission so I went out and did more quests and donated earth crytsals(cheap) to the guard by the exit until he said he couldn't take anymore and to see the guard who gives out the missions and he gave me the mission
hope this helps
Mine Gravel
# May 07 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,824 posts
Check to see if any mine gravel is for sale on the AH before buying any pickaxes. It's under other>misc I believe. If none is up for sale, buy pickaxes from Boytz in the back room of Boytz's Knicknacks, just North of the AH in Bastok Mines. They are normally cheaper than the AH price. You want to use the pickaxe on a Mythril Seam to get mine gravel. There are about half a dozen of them in Pal Mines.
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