Rycharde the Chef  

Start Area: Mhaura
Start NPC:Rycharde (I - 8)
Related Areas:Tahrongi Canyon
Related Mobs:Take (I - 8)
Min Level:1
Max Level:75
Grants Gil:1500
(Average from 10 ratings)
Items Required:Dhalmel Meat
Title Obtained:Purveyor In Training
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 06:00:36 2009

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Rycharde needs your help to find some dhalmel meat.


In order to start this quest, first talk to Somo Aatsula (H-7), the mithra you find upon first entering Mhaura. Follow her directions to get to the Governer.

Speak to the Governer's aide Numi Adaligo in The Governor's House (G-6) and ask about work, then speak to Take in The Sailor's Stay (I-8), then speak to Rycharde (H-8).

Rycharde wants you to bring him two slices of Dhalmel Meat. These drop off of any Dhalmels - including those in Buburimu Peninsula or Tahrongi Canyon. Bring him the 2 slices and he will reward you 1500 gil.

I suggest while you are in Tahrongi that you collect a third dhalmel meat and also kill killer bees and get a beehive chip so that you can also do the Way of the Cook quests when you get back to Mhaura.

Quest Series

This quest is part of a cooking quest series based in Mhaura. The complete quest series includes:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-05-04 20:56:46.
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# Apr 19 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
I talked to Somo, nothing happened, but I might've got the CS awhile ago and forgot about it. So I proceeded to the next step and talked to Governor's Assistant. She had a list of options and I chose to inquire about job. So she sends me to Take. Take says she don't have any work for me personally that I should talk to Rycharde. I did this and finally got the quest. I turned in 2 Dhalmel Meat on Windsday. I then, had to wait a FULL GAME WEEK to be able to get second quest. NOT 2 or 3 GAME DAYS, 1 WEEK, which is like... 4-6 hours RL? Idk I fell asleep.
I like PICTURES, so here they are:
# May 04 2006 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Soma Aatsula, Mythra, (H-7), before entrance to Buburimu Peninsula.

Looking at a boat up some stairs, I turn around and see more stairs going up. At the top of them is the Governor's House.

Inside Governor's House is Numi Adaligo, (F-9). Talk to her about a job and she tells you to see Take.

If I go back down to where one stands if they are coming into Mhaura from off a boat and through customs and look in said direction as if I just came through I see the door to Sailors' Stay.

Closer look at Sailors' Stay door. Just inside I find Take, (I-8). If I go up the stairs, also inside, I find lovely Rycharde, (H-8).

Rycharde doesn't give you THE NEXT QUEST(s), {Way Of The Cook}, right away but when looking into doing Chocobilious I found these two statements:

Quoting Anonymous:
In the Rychard cook's case...you just need to wait 2 game days before it lets you give behive chip and dhamel meat..after giving 2 dhamel meat for the other quest.

Quoting SeomanP:
You can have the items on you. I did the Rycharde quest, and had the beehive chip and other piece of dhalmel meat on me, didn't get it. Came back couple days later, still with stuff on me, got it.

Edited, Mon May 8 16:34:37 2006
# Nov 18 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
3,896 posts
I tried this and couldn't activate the stupid quest, until finally i tried talking to the aide about the other options, not just the looking for work one. Then it worked. May just have been time though. shrugz.
# Jul 24 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
He talk to Rycharde but he doesnt says anything about he needs 2 dahlmen meat when i trade 2 of them doesnt happen anything
Continueing to the second quest
# Apr 17 2004 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Did this quest, zoned and talked to him again and he says that he doesnt need me. i zoned again and same thing, then i thought i needed to wait til the next day, but that didnt work either. So i talked to everyone else all over again and that was a waste of time too. whats the deal ???
RE: Continueing to the second quest
# Jun 07 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
Actually this might be longer sadly ; ; I turned in the items for first on firesday came back on iceday (zoned) talked to him and told me later (lvl 8 or 9 windurst fame i forget lol) Sadly im too tired to wait much longer so I cant confirm time, just more than 3 days (im guessing 8 days)
RE: Continueing to the second quest
# Jun 11 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yes you have to wait 3 game days before you can get the next quest from him.
RE: Continueing to the second quest
# Apr 28 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I haven't done this myself but I heard that you have to wait 3 game days before you can get the second quest
# Feb 26 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
its two 'slices' of dhalmel meat, and spelling error in 'beehice'...

No fame required (probably first quest anyways).
RE: hi
# Jan 02 2006 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
You know there is a little button that says, "Send a correction"? Sorry to be an a$$, but reading is your friend.
Something's Off
# Feb 09 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Mon Feb 9 15:09:18 2004
How to get this quest
# Jan 14 2004 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok, in order to start this quest, you need to talk to Somo Asstsula, the mithra you find upon first entering Mhaura. She instructs you to go talk to the Governor of the city. Follow her directions (there's a lovely cut scene) up the stairs... blah blah blah ... to F-9. In the governor's house talk to Numi Adaligo, the governor's assistant, and ask her about jobs. She tells you to go to the local tavern, and talk to Take(on the line between H-8 and I-8). When you ask Take about jobs she tells you to go talk to the cook Rycharde. Go up the stairs in the tavern and you find Rycharde. Give him the meat and there you go.
RE: How to get this quest
# May 31 2004 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
Excellent post, everything you said was right on and worked for me.

Repeat rate?
# Jan 01 2004 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
When I immediately tried to repeat this quest, I was told that he didn't need more meat right now. Anyone know how long it takes before it can be repeated?
RE: Repeat rate?
# Jan 09 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
did you zone after doing it?
RE: Repeat rate?
# Jan 10 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Uhm. Can you even repeat it?
Need to speak to mayor
# Nov 17 2003 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
YOu do need to speak to the mayor, then Take. Then to Rycharde. A nice easy quest with a good reward.
RE: Need to speak to mayor
# Feb 22 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
484 posts
This method worked for me. Just it goes like this:

Speak to Governer, Spek to hsi aid and ask about work, speak to Take, speak to Rycharde

Edited, Sun Feb 22 15:32:34 2004
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