Full list of Scholar spells.  

Scholar Spell List

  • Using the abilities listed in the White Grimoire will enhance the effectiveness of the Scholar's white magic spell list. This list also includes the 'Storm' set of elemental spells used to buff party members that scholar gains access to beginning at level 41.

White Magic
Name Level
Cure 5
Protect 10
Deodorize 15
Cure II 17
Regen 18
Shell 20
Sneak 20
Invisible 25
Cure III 30
Protect II 30
Raise 35
Regen II 37
Shell II 40
Sandstorm 41
Rainstorm 43
Windstorm 45
Firestorm 47
Hailstorm 49
Protect III 50
Thunderstorm 51
Voidstorm 53
Aurorastorm 55
Cure IV 55
Shell III 60
Protect IV 66
Shell IV 71

Light Arts w/ Addendum: White
Name Level
Poisona 10
Paralyna 12
Blindna 17
Silena 22
Cursna 32
Erase 39
Reraise 40
Viruna 46
Stona 50
Raise II 70
Reraise II 75

  • The Black Grimoire enhances the spells found on the black magic spell list for scholars. This list also includes the powerful elemental 'helix' spells that become available to the Scholar at level 61. These spells deal a huge amount of damage over time.

Black Magic
Name Level
Stone 4
Water 8
Aero 12
Fire 16
Blizzard 20
Drain 21
Thunder 24
Stone II 30
Water II 34
Aspir 36
Aero II 38
Fire II 42
Blizzard II 46
Klimaform 46
Thunder II 51
Stone III 54
Water III 57
Aero III 60
Geohelix 61
Hydrohelix 63
Fire III 63
Anemohelix 65
Blizzard III 66
Pyrohelix 67
Cryohelix 69
Thunder III 69
Ionohelix 71
Noctohelix 73
Luminohelix 75

Dark Arts w/ Addendum: Black
Name Level
Sleep 30
Dispel 33
Sleep II 65
Stone IV 70
Water IV 71
Aero IV 72
Fire IV 73
Blizzard IV 74
Thunder IV 75

This page last modified 2008-06-01 08:42:17.