This event was added in celebration of the 7th anniversary of Final Fantasy XI.
Eleven Mog Tables are scattered across Vana'diel. Recover one of these tablets and talk to the Explorer Moogle at (H-9) in Ru'Lude Gardens to obtain the coveted Kupofried's Ring. The tablets may be found in any of the following zones:
Batallia Downs, Beaucedine Glacier, Behemoth's Dominion, Buburimu Peninsula, Cape Teriggan, East Ronfaure, East Sarutabaruta, Eastern Altepa Desert, Jugner Forest, Konschtat Highlands, La Theine Plateau, Meriphataud Mountains, North Gustaberg, Pashhow Marshlands, Qufim Island, Ro'Maeve, Rolanberry Fields, Sauromugue Champaign, South Gustaberg, Tahrongi Canyon, The Sanctuary of Zi'tah, Valkurm Dunes, Valley of Sorrows, West Ronfaure, West Sarutabaruta, Western Altepa Desert, Yhoator Jungle, and Yuhtunga Jungle
The Mog Tablets appear as sparkling spots on the ground. You must be within close proximity of a Mog Tablet in order for it to appear on your screen.
One week after the 11th Mog Tablet has been recovered the event will begin again at a random hour. Each World will have its own random start time; therefore not all Mog Tablet quests will begin at the same time across all Worlds.
This page last modified 2009-05-26 09:36:28.