PM 4-2 The Savage  

Start Area: Tavnazian Safehold
Related Areas:Misareaux Coast
Monarch Linn
Riverne - Site #B01
Related Mobs:Justinius (J - 6)
Mission:4 - 2
Min Level:50
Max Level:50
(Average from 7 ratings)
Items Required:Giant Scale
This Quest requires Promathia
This Mission is Not Skippable
Previous Mission: PM 4-1 Sheltering Doubt
Next Mission: PM 4-3 The Secrets of Worship
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 05:58:37 2009

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Mission Orders

Ulmia is determined to know the truth, and is ready to revisit Bahamut to learn it. Enlist the aid of Tenzen and Justinius to help you find Ulmia before something terrible occurs.


Check on another Dilapidated Gate at (F-7) Misareaux Coast for another cutscene and you will be able to access to Riverne Site B01 this time from the Spatial Displacement. B01 has a level cap of LV50 this time so make sure you have the right equipment prepared at Safehold first. The navigation pattern for B01 is more or less the same as A01 in Chapter 2, where you'll need 1 Giant Scales from the Pyrodrake wyverns to pass through the Unstable portal. The final spatial displacement at (E-8) will bring you to the BC holding area of Monarch Linn.

BC fight of LV50 against the great dragon of Ouryu. This dragon has the ability to fly, which makes all close range attacks useless.

After the fight, return to the safehold. Go to the top floor and talk to Justinus at (J-6) for a cutscene. This mission is done procede to the next.

Ouryu's Tactics

Mob TP Moves

TP moves on the ground:

  • Absolute Terror: Terrorizes whoever has hate for roughly 30 seconds. Players who are terrorized are frozen in place and cannot do anything.
  • Geotic Breath: Frontal earth-based cone attack. Tank can take roughly 700 damage if standing directly in front of Ouryu. Damage is less if standing slightly off to the sides (on Ouryu's feet).
  • Spike Flail: Devastating AoE attack used if someone behind Ouryu takes hate. Utsusemi shadows will absorb this attack.
  • Horrid Roar: Dispels up to 10 buffs on a single target, including food effects.
  • Typhoon Wing: Frontal AoE attack that does 100-180 damage, as well as blind.

TP moves in the air:

  • Bai Wing: AoE earth damage that does up to 385 dmg unresisted. Also causes the effect of slow.
  • Ochre Blast: AoE earth damage that does around 400 damage.

Other Ouryu attacks and abilities

  • Evasion and spell resistance boost while airborne: Ouryu gains evasion boost which cannot be dispelled, as well as an increased resistance to sleep and other spells.
  • Touchdown: AoE damage of roughly 140 dmg per player when Ouryu lands without the party using a mistmelt.
  • Alternates between walking and flying every 2 minutes.
  • Usually uses invincible when around 70 percent health.
  • Uses a powerful stoneskin at the start of the fight, and he recasts later on.
  • Casts Slowga
  • Casts Stoneaga II
  • Ouryu's attacks on the ground are physical.
  • Ouryu's airborne attacks are elemental and will ignore utsusemi, invincible and other forms of physical damage reduction. His unresisted attacks while flying do 280 dmg.

Other Ouryu Notes

  • When Ouryu takes off, the wyrm can be brought back to earth using a Mistmelt. These items are obtained through the quest Fly High. They can also be bought from the auction house.
    • Don't use mistmelts on Ouryu if he's asleep in the air, as the mistmelt won't work until the wyrm wakes up.
  • Ouryu is resistant all forms of stun.
  • Ouryu can be slept with sleep and repose.
  • Blind, Paralyze and Silence all stick on Ouryu, but resistance builds after a few casts.
  • Slow does not stick on Ouryu.
  • Ouryu will return to his starting position and regen to full if the party is KO'd.

BCNM Strategy for Standard Party Setup

This setup assumes you have a tank, a healer, a support job and three magic or physical damage dealers.

What to bring to the fight

  • Plan on bringing eight mistmelts per fight; that's enough mistmelts to ensure victory despite most of the worst situations, assuming the party remains focussed and doesn't panic.
  • Tanks and melee DDs should bring hi-potions.
  • Paladin tanks (recommended for this fight) should also bring Yagudo drinks and hi-ethers.
  • Mages should also bring ethers and yagudo drinks. A Vile elixir is also helpful.
  • Other regen drinks are also recommended.
  • All party members should also bring reraise.
  • Someone in the party must have dispel or an alternative form of dispel.
  • Someone in the party must have Sleep II.
  • barstonra and repose are extremely helpful.

Battle Plan

  1. Split up mistmelts among tank and melee DDs and establish a mistmelt order.
  2. Enter BCNM, buff up and rest.
  3. Begin the fight by running in and sleeping Ouryu. The tank and melee DDs should get in position by standing on Ouryu's front feet. Tank provokes/flashes to grab hate. Mages stand off to the side of Ouryu, BUT NOT BEHIND OURYU, to avoid frontal AoE attacks and spike flail.
  4. Once Ouryu is sleeping, immediately cast dispel on Ouryu to remove his stoneskin.
  5. Tank and melee engage the moment Ouryu's stoneskin is gone. Mages should cast barstonra on melees and paralyze and silence on Ouryu.
  6. Ouryu will take off 2 minutes after being hit with the first sleep. Tank and melees should stay in place and immediately use a mistmelt to bring Ouryu down.
  7. Ouryu lands, fighting continues. Watch for Ouryu to recast dispel after landing. Dispel must always be removed immediately.
  8. Continue this cycle until Ouryu uses invincible.
  9. When Ouryu uses invincible, ALL MELEES DISENGAGE. Mage immediately sleeps Ouryu. Take this opportunity to cure melees and rest mp.
  10. Ouryu will most likely fly the moment he wakes up. Immediately bring him down with a mistmelt. Resume fighting, as his invincible has worn off. Watch for stoneskin recast.
  11. Continue until Ouryu's health is around 55 percent. At that point, everyone should unleash two-hour abilities (except ninjas). Be ready to use a mistmelt to bring Ouryu down quickly if needed, and watch out for stoneskin recast. The blast of 2-hrs is usually enough to bring Ouryu to 30 percent, when he gives up.

If at any point in the battle things begin to go south, sleep Ouryu and allow mages to rest. Remember that Ouryu usually takes flight after waking up from sleep (because 2 minutes have passed), so have someone ready to use a mistmelt. Ouryu can then be slept again upon landing. This can give your party valuable time to rest mp or unweaken members who had been KO'd. This is where bringing extra mistmelts can be extremely beneficial.

Mission Series

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2015-09-22 02:11:02.
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# Jul 14 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
Tired of the "you need this and this job to beat it" crap I read about these missions. I beat this 3 times without a BLM or SMN. Our setups used a WHM, PLD, and RDM on all runs, the rest were DDs. Our setups could've passed off for standard XP PTs.

One major goal is to keep Ouryu on the ground. For that you will need to farm for mistmelts, as many as possible in case something goes wrong (on average, my LS used 4-5 per run). Melees NEED Hi-pots, Mages need juices.

I'm a RDM and I used a Glamor Jupon (one of the JSE pieces gained from the 2nd Byrgid quest) for the fight to make sure I was almost never resisted.

My strat assumes that Ouryu will land every 15% of his HP is knocked off.

The fight: Full buff. WHM cast Barstonra in case Ouryu gets Stonega II off. PLD engages. If RDM in PT, have them immediately Dispel, Ouryu always casts Stoneskin first (YES IT IS DISPELABLE). Once Ouryu goes up in the air, designated person uses mistmelt and RDM (or BLM) immediately casts Sleep II. Everyone disengage and back off. Tank and Melee use Hi-potions while mages rest. Ouryu sleeps real well. If you're a BLM (with capped enfeebling) or RDM assigned to sleep, max up on your INT so sleep lasts as long as possible. Tank should be hate mongering (PLD: Provoke + Flash + Provoke, NIN: Provoke + Ninjutsu) while Ouryu is asleep so when he wakes, he'll be focused on them. After a tick or two of resting, one of the melees uses a job ability + TP. Here are some suggestions:

DRK/THF: SA + Last Resort + Souleater + WS
RNG: Barrage + Sharpshot + WS
SAM/THF: (should be meditating the whole time Ouryu is asleep) SA + WS
WAR/THF: SA + Berserk + Warcry + WS

I hope you get the idea. If you've got other melee jobs, use your imagination, the point is to stack your Job Abilities along with your TP to max damage. Melees are trying to create as much damage as possible so when Ouryu does wake, he won't bother going back up.

If you're not sure that melees will do enough damage and you have a RDM or BLM in the PT, have them Aero II in conjunction with the melees attack. (BLM, save ES for when you have to Freeze Ouryu @ 50%)

Keep cycling with whomever has enough TP. I don't suggest using an Icarus Wing because you won't be able to use hi-pots after it.
All melees use 2hr @ 50%.

Ouryu is Earth based, so any wind WS is preferred.

Mages, keep silence, gravity, and non-DoT enfeebs on as much as you can. No Dia or Bio ever. You want Ouryu to sleep after mistmelt.

The day you fight also does make a difference. If you're using a BLM or RDM for sleep, fighting on Lightsday will just not work. And fighting on Iceday isn't great either, Silence and Gravity will be much harder to stick.

If this post isn't clear enough, My LS posted what they did for the fight here. One of our PLDs posted what he did to avoid the brunt of Geotic Breath (which can one shot you if you're unlucky):

Edited, Sat Jul 30 01:58:55 2005
RE: Strat
# Aug 18 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Keep cycling with whomever has enough TP. I don't suggest using an Icarus Wing because you won't be able to use hi-pots after it.

Not true. You can use Hi-potions after an Icarus Wing. Other medications might not be usable, but Hi-potions most definately are.

I've used Hi-potions in my Maat fight, along with countless others, after using an Icarus Wing.

They are, however, kinda pricey.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 13:40:32 2005
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