white mage (FFXI)  

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Job Description

Mithra White Mage
Mithra White Mage
White Mages are the prime healers in FFXI. Capable of curing almost any status ailment and healing even the most reckless Galka Monk to full or laying the beat down on skeletons and magic pots, a White Mage is a great addition to most parties.

Spells and Abilities

Job Abilities

Job Abilities are activated abilities unique to a specific job that enhance job performance in some way. This can include, but is not limited to, increasing armor or damage for a short time, initiating a special attack or triggering a party buff.

Name Level Duration Recast Description
Benediction 1 Instant 2 hours Restores a large amount of HP and removes all status ailments for party members within area of effect.
Divine Seal 15 1 minute 10 minutes Doubles the potency of next cure spell; new options open with Divine Veil.
Afflatus Solace 40 1 minute 2 Hours Inspires you to draw strength from the healing spells you cast.
Afflatus Misery 40 1 minute 2 Hours Inspires you to draw strength from the damage you take.
Devotion 75 (merit) Instant 20 minutes Sacrifices HP to grant another party member MP.
Martyr 75 (merit) Instant 20 minutes Sacrifices HP to heal another party member double that amount.
Divine Caress 83 1 minute 1 minute If the next spell you cast cures a status ailment, your target will gain enhanced resistance to that element.

Job Traits

Job Traits are passive abilities that are always active for your job. Job Traits often boost stats, increase mp regeneration, or add resistances to status effects.

Name Level Description
Magic Defense Bonus I 10 Slightly increases magical defense.
Clear Mind I 20 Increases Hmp while resting.
Auto-Regen 25 Regenerate 1 HP per tick.
Magic Defense Bonus II 30 Further increases magical defense.
Clear Mind II 35 Further increases Hmp while resting.
Clear Mind III 50 Further increases Hmp while resting.
Divine Benison 50 Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction.
Magic Defense Bonus III 50 Further increases magical defense.
Divine Benison II 60 Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction.
Divine Veil 65 Allows AoE status cures to be casted when used with Divine Seal.
Clear Mind IV 65 Further increases Hmp while resting.
Magic Defense Bonus IV 70 Further increases magical defense.
Divine Benison III 70 Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction.
Auto-Regen II 76 Gradually restores HP.
Clear Mind V 80 Further increases Hmp while resting.
Divine Benison IV 80 Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction.
Magic Defense Bonus V 81 Further increases magical defense.
Shield Defense Bonus 85 Reduces damage taken when blocking an attack with a shield.
Divine Benison V 90 Quickens spellcasting for status ailment recovery magic. Grants a bonus to enmity reduction.

Two-Hour Ability

Two-Hour Abilities are job-specific active abilities with a cool down timer of two hours. These are often incredibly powerful abilities, but often have adverse effects as well such as depleting an MP pool or dealing physical damage to the player.

Name Level Duration Recast Description
Benediction 1 Instant 2 hours Restores a large amount of HP and removes all status ailments for party members within area of effect.


Spells are magical effects cast by the player at the cost of MP or reagents with a multitude of results. Beneficial spells can be cast on party members to boost stats or restore health and damage dealing spells can be cast on mobs with devastating results.

Healing Magic
Name Level
Cure 1
Poisona 6
Paralyna 9
Cure II 11
Blindna 14
Curaga 16
Silena 19
Cure III 21
Raise 25
Cursna 29
Curaga II 31
Reraise 33
Viruna 34
Stona 39
Cure IV 41
Curaga III 51
Raise II 56
Reraise II 60
Cure V 61
Raise III 70
Curaga IV 71
Reraise III 75

Enhancing Magic
Barstonra 5
Protect 7
Protectra 7
Barsleepra 7
Barwatera 9
Aquaveil 10
Barpoisonra 10
Barparalyzra 12
Baraera 13
Deodorize 15
Barfira 17
Shell 17
Shellra 17
Barblindra 18
Blink 19
Sneak 20
Barblizzara 21
Regen 21
Barsilencera 23
Invisible 25
Barthundra 25
Protectra II 27
Protect II 27
Stoneskin 28
Erase 32
Teleport-Holla 36
Teleport-Mea 36
Teleport-Dem 36
Shell II 37
Shellra II 37
Teleport-Altep 38
Teleport-Yhoat 38
Barvira 39
Haste 40
Teleport-Vahzl 42
Barpetra 43
Regen II 44
Protect III 47
Recall-Jugner 53
Recall-Pashh 53
Recall-Meriph 53
Shellra III 57
Shell III 57
Protectra IV 63
Protect IV 63
Regen III 66
Shell IV 68
Shellra IV 68
Protectra V (merit) 75
Shellra V (merit) 75

Enfeebling/Damage magic
Name Level Magic type
Dia 3 Enfeebling
Paralyze 4 Enfeebling
Banish 5 Divine
Slow 13 Enfeebling
Silence 15 Enfeebling
Banishga 15 Divine
Diaga 18 Enfeebling
Banish II 30 Divine
Dia II 36 Enfeebling
Banishga II 40 Divine
Flash 45 Divine
Repose 48 Divine
Holy 50 Divine
Banish III 65 Divine


Magic Skill Skill Rating Level 37 Level 60 Level 75
Healing Magic A+ 114 203 276
Divine Magic A- 114 203 269
Enhancing Magic C+ 105 190 230
Enfeebling Magic C 105 190 225


Weapon skills are abilities that become available when a player has gained 100+ TP while damaging a mob with their weapon. All weapons, with the exception of Thrown and Instruments have their own set of weaponskills. Weaponskill availability is dependent on a players skill level with the weapon as well as the weapon itself.

Combat Skill Skill Rating Level 37 Level 60 Level 75
Club B+ 109 196 256
Staff C+ 105 190 230
Shield D 101 183 210
Evasion E 94 171 200
Throwing E 94 171 200

Sub-job Combinations

The most frequently seen subjobs for a White Mage are Black Mage, Summoner, and Red Mage in most parties, with Warrior and Ninja being more commonly used during soloing and in certain merit-point camps.


When you reach level 75 in any job you can begin to "Merit" that job along with attributes that will carry over to all your other jobs making it possible to make yourself even more versatile through new spells abilities and upgrades on other attributes, abilities, and spells

Group 1
Name Description
Divine Seal Recast Shortens recast time by 20 seconds per upgrade.
Cure Cast Time Reduces casting time of cures by 4% per merit.
Bar Spell Effect Increase the potency of bar spells and add a magic defense bonus of 2 points per merit.
Banish Effect Increase the damage of banish by 2, and length of def. down effect by 2 seconds per merit.
Regen Effect Increases the amount of HP gained per tick by 1 per merit.
Group 2
Name Description
Martyr Sacrifices 25% of your current HP to grant another party member twice the amount of HP recast starts at 20min and is reduced by 2 min and 39 seconds per upgrade. (Stoneskin nullifies damage taken)
Devotion Sacrifices 25% of your current HP to grant another party member the same amount of MP recast starts at 20min and is reduced by 2 min and 39 seconds per upgrade. (Stoneskin nullifies damage taken)
Protectra V Increases defense of party members within area of effect. Increases bonus defense by 2 per merit.
Shellra V Increases the magic defense of party members within area of effect. Increase bonus magic defense by 1 per merit.

Artifact, Relic, and Empyrean sets

Artifact Artifact +1 Relic Relic +1 Empyrean Empyrean +1 Empyrean +2
Healer's Cap Healer's Cap +1 Cleric's Cap Cleric's Cap +1 Orison Cap Orison Cap +1 Orison Cap +2
Healer's Briault Healer's Briault +1 Cleric's Briault Cleric's Briault +1 Orison Bliaud Orison Bliaud +1 Orison Bliaud +2
Healer's Mitts Healer's Mitts +1 Cleric's Mitts Cleric's Mitts +1 Orison Mitts Orison Mitts+1 Orison Mitts+2
Healer's Pantaloons Healer's Pantaloons +1 Cleric's Pantaloons Cleric's Pantaloons +1 Orison Pantaloons Orison Pantaloons +1 Orison Pantaloons +2
Healer's Duckbills Healer's Duckbills +1 Cleric's Duckbills Cleric's Duckbills +1 Orison Duckbills Orison Duckbills +1 Orison Duckbills +2
Blessed Hammer Cleric's Belt Orison Cape
Orison Locket
Orison Earring

Other Info

This page last modified 2011-03-28 21:24:36.