i get annoyed at the people who say "chr doesnt effect hate.. SE says so".
SE says chr does not "directly" effect enmity. It does however effect the rate of stacking.
Hate is gained from damageing a mob, or cureing, or useing an ability. Enmity+ gear makes those actions gather even more hate. Hate is counted and added up in numbers, and will fade as time goes by without other actions happening.
CHR is tricky to explain. CHR determinds prices youll pay, the amount of "intimidations" your killer trait will produce, DMG from wyverns, and tons of other stuff.
CHR effects hate by the rate of hate you lose after stacking it. the higher chr you have, the slower the hate fades away, so "directly" it does not effect enmity, but it does effect it indirectly.
Ask a brd how many times they have gotten hate from just running around playing songs while fighting a god. those fights take long amounts of time and hate stacks up on BRDs and doesnt fade away easily.
Thats about the best i can explain it.
Enmity= the amount of hate youll get for doing an action
Hate= the mobs interest in wanting to direct its rape ability.
CHR= a whole bunch of useful crap, its not just something you forget totaly about.
Well peace out, and to the dumbass who will post behind me and try to contradict me.. shutup.. shhh... no.. shhhh... i said shhhh.... dont make me shhh you...